Ch. 7

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Guess where we were the next day?

No really, just take a guess.

Yeah, you're right. We were on our way to Florida. 

It was almost impossible to talk to Jacob at this point. He tried to make conversation with me, but it was hard for me to do so. My heart hurt. Being the reason of someone's death was a lot to take in, especially if he was one of your friends.

I sighed and rolled over in my seat, pulling my zebra blanket up, and gazed out the window. I could sense Jacob glance over at me to see if I was okay, then he sparked up yet another conversation.

"Hey K, I thought of something. If we follow my idea we won't have to travel every week. In fact we can stay in Florida for a while, unless someone gets suspicious."

I rolled back over to look at him, but couldn't bring myself to say anything. He took notice and spoke up.

"Fake i.ds. We gotta change our names. We are already so unrecognizeable, but with totally new identities, we can probably get an apartment! Would you like that? It's all your call."

I thought about it for a second. Traveling was something I have always wanted to do, but being in the car with Jacob all the time and driving back and forth across the country these past few months have become such a bore. Maybe it was time to try to settle. Make some REAL friends, and live life not running away. 

I nodded, but only to realize he was focused on the road. Welp, I guess I finally had to speak up.

"Yes." I said. It was almost as if I was startled by my own voice. It seems like forever ago since I had heard it. 

"I knew you'd say that. Just think about it K, we will be there with the beach, we will make some friends, get real jobs... we'll have actual lives!"

I kept forgetting Jacob has never really had a real life like I had once before. I was a FBI agent before I met Jacob and decided to run off with him, but Jacob has been on the run since he was 14. He told me it began robbing computer stores for parts. Jacob mentioned he got caught twice and was sent to juvi, but he learned how to get around it. Since then, he has become a lot better at what he does best, hacking. 

I don't even consider us convicts though, the way we have been living, we just seem free. The world just seemed like a big lie. It seemed like the ones who were "free" were trapped in a world of bills and stressful jobs whereas me and Jacob, the convicts spent all our time traveling doing whatever.

I rolled back over towards the window and dozed off. 

After 3 hours of driving, Jacob pulled over to some store. 

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We are at the place to get us some fake i.ds!"

"Whoa, we're getting them here? I thought we were waiting till Florida."

"Nah, Oklahoma is fine. We will just say we are from Florida to get it on those ids."

We walked into the store. My first thought was confused, mainly because we were the only ones in here, but also because there were random deer heads sticking out of the wall.


Jacob and I turned our heads in the direction of the voice and found an old man sitting at a desk. We approached him.

"Now, what can I help yall with today?" The man asked.

"Well, we need some i.ds. See, we are out of town, we are from Jacksonville, and me and my girl were trying to get in a club last night. But see, we didn't have any id on us so they didn't believe we were over 18. I mean hey, we're actually 26, but you know, black don't crack. Long story short, can you hook us up?" Jacob said.

"Why of course. Man this just happens to TOO many people. Now let's see, young lady, what is your name?"

I didn't even consider picking a fake name. I had no idea what to pick, so I just said the first name that came to mind.

"Londyn. Londyn Kressy." I answered.

I loved that name. I wonder what Jacob would pick.

"And young man? Yours?"

"Niqo, Niqo Young." He responded.

"Alright you two, now fill out this paperwork and you are good to go!"

The sheets asked for our height, weight, where we were born and all that good stuff, not gonna lie, that made me a little nervous. I haven't wrote this much information about myself in a long time. I lied about where I was from.

The guy also took our pictures for the ids.

We turned in the work and the guy printed us off our new ids.

"Yall have a nice time at that club tonight now! Don't go getting too drunk ya hear?"

"Yes sir! Thank you!" Jacob called back.

Once we reached the car, we both sat there looking at our ids. 

"Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Niqo, Niqo Young. And what might your name be beautiful lady?" Jacob laughed.

"Hahaha I'm Londyn." I laughed.

"What? No last name?"

"I don't know you, you could be a killer for all I know!" I joked.

Jacob shook his head and laughed and then we were on the road again.

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