Ch. 5

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It was finally night again. The club wasn't as packed on this Tuesday night, but the regulars were still there. I spotted Diggy out in the crowd. He smiled at me a few times, but I managed to keep a straight face, not wanting to lead him on. 

Chresanto was still helping me work the bar. He said he would stay and help me with it till Friday when I leave. 

"What's the coolest place you and Jacob have gone to?" He asked.

"Haha why???" 

"Just wondering. I never really got to travel much, so I wanna know the coolest place so when I finally do travel, I will end with the best."

"Vegas. Honestly, I didn't think I would have a lot of fun there, but i don't know. It's just something about it that makes it a place you will never regret going to." I answered.

"What made it so fun?"

"Hahaha! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Chres!" I laughed.

He mean mugged me and looked at the customer approaching the bar. It was Diggy. Welp, I guess it was show time. I noticed how Chresanto was always up in our business listening to the conversations. Boy aint never heard of privacy I guess.

"So Kenya, how come I haven't heard from you?" Diggy asked.

"I can't go out with you Diggy. Not even one date. I really want to, but I just can't."

"It's Jacob isn't it? Did he say something about me? Man he's ALWAYS-"

"He didn't say anything bad about you. Look. Honestly, me and Jacob leave in 3 days. I can't get attached to you, cause then I won't wanna leave." I spoke.

"Well, who says you have to leave?"

"It's not that simple Diggy. See, you don't know my story, but if you did, you would understand." 

"Well, what's your story?" He asked me.

"... I can't tell you."

"Kenya, look, all I'm asking for is one simple date," Diggy pleaded, "please. I'll let you pick the location and everything."

"Diggy, I really can't. I wish I could, but I just can't."

He looked at me for a second, and through his eyes, I could tell he was really hurt. He turned to Chres and spoke.

"See man, this is why I don't really try with girls no more," he looked back at me, "They always have some excuse not to date me."

My heart ended up in my stomach. No, past that. Maybe I didn't even have a heart anymore. Diggy turned back to go to his seat. I couldn't stop. My legs were running, my head was hurting, and I don't even think I was breathing. This is was real hurt felt like.

I crawled under the bar to catch Diggy. I got a hold of his arm and spoke. 

"Okay, maybe just one date."

A few hours later, I found myself drunk as possible. Chresanto hooked us up with free drinks at the bar. Now, Diggy and I were roaming around outside. He said he would walk me home. 

"Whoa Kenya, watch out for the street!" He called out.

Even though I was as drunk as could be, I could tell Diggy was an actual gentleman. He didn't try anything funny with me, or ditch me on the side of the road. He was a really sweet guy and it seemed as if he really did care about me.

"But Diggy! I wanna be a butterfly!" I whinned.

He took my hand and we walked in silence for a bit. The night was peaceful, or so I thought. I kept tripping over my feet every now and then, so I mostly saw the ground rather than the night sky.

Then I heard it. 

Sirens filled the cold night air all around me. 

Then I saw it. 

A cop car was speeding down the street towards Diggy and I.

Almost immediately my adrenaline kicked in, and I took Diggy's hand and ran down a near by vacant alley. Diggy didn't even ask why we were running, he just followed along. 

There were empy cars all along the sides of the alley, but there wasn't a way out that I could find. Everything was pitch black, and my vision was blurry. 

"Hey! I found a way out!" Diggy shouted. It was tough to hear him over the sirens, but it was enough for me to understand.

He found a stairwell. But it didn't start at the ground.

Therefore we jumped on top of a car and climbed onto the stairwell. At this point, a cop car was struggling to fit in the tight alley with all these empty cars. 

"HURRY!" Diggy yelled.

We made it to the top of the stairwell and were now on the ceiling of the building.

Then everything went black.

On the Run- A Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now