23. Reflection

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I've never seen myself as handsome.

My face is all red from the run, my untamed hair now freer than ever. I've got these too big eyes, that slightly frail body. Big hands but small arms. Big nose taking up the space of my whole face. A smile that spreads more on my left side than on my right. These hair that are either too flat or too big. These shoulders that aren't any broader than those of my younger sisters.

Even these jeans with holes in them. Those t-shirt that aren't form fitting at all because I hate my frame. That grumpy face I wear most of the time. I see my reflection in the glass of the bus shelter and I still see the little kid that used to be picked on for the way he was born.

I realize I ran to Max's bus stop without thinking, waiting for the 32 to pick me up. I open my cell phone, expecting a text from Max but he's ignored my last text. I ask him for his address, realizing how creepy that makes me sound, but right now I couldn't care less. I need to see him.

I'm on the bus when I finally get an answer. I'm surprised I even got one. No ''hey'', no ''why''. Just his address.

As I look out the window, I try and process everything that happened to me. Two guys like me. Me. The scrawny kid. I focus on my face's reflection once more but I still can't see what they see in me.

It feels like forever before I finally hop off the bus. Shyly, I knock on Max's door. His mother lets me in before screaming for Max to come. He stays on top of the stairs, gesturing for me to get upstairs. I kick my shoes aside and he silently guides me to his room.

The first thing I do is to hold him. It takes a few seconds before he reacts. When he finally puts his arms around me, I bury my face in his chest. For the first time his touch is warm through my shirt, his fingers burning my back. I grip his clothes no matter how childish that makes me seem like. I realize I've been crying by the wet spot on his shirt, but he's comprehensive and doesn't ask any question until I'm willing to talk.

I'm soon to be overflown with words. As I finally speak, the feelings reveal themselves. I explain it all and he understands. I tell him how I wouldn't believe he likes me back, how Nicholas just confessed his feelings for me, how I've been feeling this past month. How I thought I liked Nick but he was the one I was craving instead.

The more I speak, the closer we get and the softer my voice becomes. I talk until my words come as whispers down his lips. He finally shuts me off with a kiss as I become almost inaudible, and just like that my thoughts and tiredness vanish.

This time we aren't fooling ourselves. We, for the first time, aren't desperately wishing for anyone else. I kiss him like I now realize I have been dying to since the day we met. His fingers run up my waist to my cheek, and under his touch my body never felt so right. I still don't understand why he would want someone like me, but when our lips part and he looks at me, I see the worth he gives me.

I place my hand at the back of his neck and pull him back in for a kiss, a small chuckle escaping his lips. He gently lays me down on his bed, and we stay there, unwilling to move until we can see the moon through his window.

I end up spending the night as I'm far too late for the last bus. Max's parents let me stay in his room as long as the door is slightly open, at which he groans for he's over 18 years old. But nothing could ruin my newfound happiness.

We make plans to go to school together tomorrow before we fall asleep into each other's arms, his blond curls and my long hair in a mess over our heads.


How adorable are they? ♡♡♡(Note #1: Sorry for those who ship Ollie with Nick... :s)(Note #2: 18 is considered an adult in Canada)

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