Training Session |6

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"Layla." My mother said, gripping my shoulder firmly, "remember, not to get distracted. It's time for your training session." She whispered into my ear quietly.

"Goodnight guys. Aisha will show you your rooms." I said, motioning to Aisha. Aisha never really trained to fight, she hated fighting. She only knew some simple mer spells.

"Yes! Of course! There's a room set for all of us heirs and your siblings! It's going to be a great slumber party! Um wait. If your siblings are still here." Aisha added.

They all shook their heads no.

"See you guys in the morning!" I said, swimming, following my mother, to the royal King's court.

"Where are you going?" Brandon said pulling me back, whispering into my ear.

"None of your business heir of the Atlantic. You may let me go now." I said, eyeing him carefully.

"Whatever you say princess." Brandon said letting go of me, heading to the room that Aisha planned a surprise for them.

"Ah, I see." My mom said pushing me to swim faster forward. "The Atlantic king likes you." Mom said, grinning.

"I see nothing like that will help me." I said summoning my scepter, getting ready for my training session.

"Don't you get it Layla? Before you train or do anything you must remember to be cheerful." Mum said, reminding me of the past, when Chrissie first secretly taught me how to duel.

"Mom, I can't." I said sitting down, under a mermaid statue, it was probably queen Victoria.

"Why not Layla?" Mom asked my as she sat next to me gazing up above the waters above our kingdom Andros.

"Chrissie." I said.

"Christopher?" Mom said, soothing my hair. It was blonde-ish in the moonlight. My natural highlights gleamed brightly.

I nodded.

"Layla, forget about him. Going to the past won't do you any good." She said, pinching her eyebrows together.

"Can we get to training now?" I asked, irritated, standing up, gripping on my staff again.

"Have your emotions calmed down yet fairy?" Mom said, touching her queen crown, it was silver and aqua blue.

"Yes, mom. And what do you mean by fairy?" I asked her.

"You and your sister has been dipped into the blood of a fairy queen." My mom said, smiling softly.

A thought hit me right away.

"You are the fairy queen?" I asked her shocked, my eyes widen vastly.

"Yes, I am the fairy queen." I mom said, still smiling softly.

"And what do you mean about Aisha and I getting dipped into the blood of the fairy queen?" I asked, my mother again.

"Never mind that dear, you need to clear out your thoughts in order do this training session." Mom said, dropping my question to the side.

"Okay, but promise me you'll explain." I said.

"There would be no a hundred percent sure on that Layla." Mom said, summoning her scepter.

Her scepter was amazingly beautiful, gems were decorated colorfully, including the dimension jewel, a gold fairy wing was stuck onto the top of the staff, and silver moons and a golden sun hang on the two wings of the fairy's queen's staff.

"Concentrate on the deepest power of your heart Layla." Mom instructed.

"But, I don't know." I said, swinging my staff around.

"As I said, close your eyes and search for your deepest inner powers." Mom repeated, coldly. Which was very unlikely of her, but followed anyways.

I nodded and sighed. I closed my eyes raising my staff to call for it's inner magic, the magic that we share with in ourselves. The way I know how my brother Daniel fight and call for his trident is use it's name. I have no idea about  his trident's nor my scepter's name, so I'm like clearly stuck right now, confused.

"Layla. Concentrate." Mom said, sternly.

"Mom! How? I don't even know how to call out my Scepter's name! No one taught me!" I complained.

"It's instinct Layla. You know how to do it deep down inside of you." Mom said.


"No buts. You're suppose to name it, after you do you have to create a mer's rune."

"Kay, I'll try." I said, closing my eyes.

A second later, I felt a aura surrounding me, I could feel the ocean's powers soaring deep into my heart. I can hear voices, the ocean nymphs voices, telling me I was one of them. The ocean swirled around me, like there were nothing to worry about. Another image hit my head. The sky. It was blue, soaring sea birds. The sun setting sky, the peace between the fairies and the mer people, I thought.

"Layla, you're glowing too brightly." My mom, said covering her eyes, but still trying to give me direct eye contact.

"I know what to call my staff now, it's name is Aestus." I holding Aestus up in the air.

"The tides of the princess of the seven seas, clever." Mom said, grinning.

"What's your's then?" I asked my mom, Ligea, sitting down.

"Polus." She replied.

"The heaven's of the fairy's realm?" I asked.

"Yes, I was born as a full royal blood fairy." Mom said, turning at me.

"Then, we're quite similar." Mom and I said, at the same time. We burst out into laughing.

"Training done?" I asked, yawning.

"No, not yet." Mom said, standing up.

 "Why? I'm sleepy." I whined.

"No, just one last question, for tonight." Mom said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you understand who you are?" Mom asked.

My eyes widen, and nodded. "Yes, I'm the nymph guardian of the sea's depths. And my sister is a water star guardian." I answered.

"Oh, Neptune. You understand." My mom smiled, her eyes gleamed, symbolizing she was proud of me. 

"Can I leave now mom?" I asked.

"Yes, you may." My mom said, sitting down.

"Goodnight mother." I said, leaving mom behind.  I exited the 

A sea depth nymph? Gosh, I never knew. My sister a water star guardian. But what does it really means to be a guardian? My sister and I, but what about my brothers, what are they? Are they half fairy magic and mer magic like me?

"Layla! You're back!" Said a cheery voice, which I knew it belonged to Rhea.

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