King Neptune| 2

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Aisha and I swam to the throne room together leaving the boys behind.

"Good afternoon father." Aisha and I said together.

"Good afternoon girls." He replied to us. "Where is Daniel and Micheal?" He asked us.

"They're um a bit too busy talking, so I think they're show up late." Aisha said.

Then Daniel and Micheal came in laughing.

"You two! Where have you been?" King Neptune or father asked them.

They both turned paused for a moment, then turned red and their smiled on their faces faded away.

Good, I thought. Daniel is always scared of dad since both of them are trouble makers and are meant to be punished. The curve of my mouth curved into a grin.

"You boys are grounded! How many times have I told you to arrive early and listen to the important information I have to tell you!" Dad yelled at both of them.

I smiled victoriously. I just love it when Daniel gets in trouble so he would stop teasing me to be "miss perfect" or the "the bossy mermaid". (or's worse).

"Yes, dad." Daniel and Micheal said nodding.

"Good then. Now back to what I was saying... Since we haven't had a royal family party for a long time, I was thinking we invite everyone: Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes to this party so every children of the royals and the heirs can meet each other. We'll be having this party here in this palace, Andros." He told us excited.

Aisha squealed with delight.

Oh gross, I don't have to even look in her head, she wish she would find her "prince charming".

Daniel and Micheal high fived each other and smirked mischievously. A symbol for a plan of mischief.

Ah I see, planing to ruin the party with one of your stink bombs huh? I wonder if daddy should know about that.

"And Daniel and Micheal can go to this party without any of your stupid pranks on the people." Dad said warning them.

Awesome! Dad could read my spirit!

Daniel and Micheal groaned.


Author's Note:

Guys if you can please! If you want to be a character that rules over an ocean or sea, please comment.








Occupation: ( King, Queen, king in training, queen in training, crowned princess, crowned prince, prince, princess)

Extra: (personality, weapons, siblings, powers, etc.)

This is closed. But if any of you still want to be part of this novel....go ahead and message me, I'll have to tell you what roles are still open and that are not. 

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