Chapter 15

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*3rd Person.*

November 9th, 2038

Tuesday, AM 10:04:01...

Detroit, Michigan

A call interrupted (Y/n)'s thought process this morning. She'd been expecting one since Markus' stunt at the Stratford News Tower yesterday and him raiding the Cyberlife Distributing Center late last night. Thanks Markus... I wonder how Carl's doing. "Hello?" "Good morning Ms. Miller." "Is this Lieutenant Anderson?" (Y/n) recognised his voice from the previous morning. "Yes Ma'am. How are you this morning?" Hank asked casually. "I'm sore but I don't think this is a social call." Hank sighed on the other side of the line. "I'm afraid it isn't. We need to call you in for questioning."

"Questioning about androids?" "Mhmm. You might be able to help out with my investigation." (Y/n) rubbed her face and looked back to her laptop.

Sensing: #313 248 317-51, the area. Connor.

"Fine. But I think Mr. Elijah Kamski would be a bigger help with your investigation." (Y/n) sighed. "Thank you Ms. Miller. See you in a few minutes." (Y/n) hung up the phone and closed her laptop. What if they just want to be free?

A few minutes later and several flights of stairs, (Y/n) greeted Mr. Anderson and Connor in the lobby. "Good morning." She said broadly. They smiled politely and led her to Lieutenant's car and they began their journey. They passed streets and homes but not directly to the station. "Okay, where are we really going?" (Y/n) asked after minutes of silently observing the pair. "Aw shit. I thought you wouldn't notice so fast." Hank grumbled. "She is a scientist, Lieutenant." Connor teased. Cheeky little thing. He's come so far.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to notice all the details. And not turning down to the station 9 streets ago made me think you've got other plans." (Y/n) said from the back seat. Connor turned his head slightly and analyzed (Y/n) discreetly. (Y/n) noticed and turned her head away and towards the window. "We're going to see Kamski aren't we?" "Shit..." Hank whispered "She's good." (Y/n) smirked to herself and watched all the scenery go by in a white blur.

They arrived at Kamski's Villa home around 11:17:04. Hank got out of the car and received a call while (Y/n) leaned on the railing. It was cold this morning, and all (Y/n) had was her lab coat to cover her body. Connor sat in the car while Hank paced around in front of it. Hank ended his call and Connor left the warm car and made their way towards (Y/n).

"Is everything okay Lieutenant?" Connor asked him privately. "Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants... He said he was saved by Markus himself." Hank said lowly. (Y/n)'s interest perked at the mention of Markus. "Is Chris okay?" Connor worriedly asked. "Yeah. He's in shock but he's alive..." Damn.

They brushed passed (Y/n) and continued their conversation. "Kamski left Cyberlife 10 years ago... Why do you want to meet him?" Connor doesn't know either? "This guy created the first android to pass the Turing Test. And he's the founder of Cyberlife." Hank said up the steps. (Y/n) followed at a distance. Until they reached the door. "If anybody can tell us about deviants, it's them."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes as Hank rang the doorbell. A Chloe answered the door. "Hi... uh... I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski..." Humans are so awkward. I've forgotten what it's like... "Please, come in." She smiled and opened the door wider. They stepped inside and (Y/n) smiled, "So good to see you again." "I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." She said after closing the door. (Y/n) smiled again and opted to stand near a picture of the three of them, Amanda, Elijah and Her.

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