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I've always wanted my own love story. Like in the books and movies where the girl falls in love with the boy and they have a cute future filled with love and happiness. Except I've never thought about love like that until I met Aryse. Aryse changed my idea of a love story when he loved me they way he did. And no one else has ever made me feel that way. If I could have Aryse back as my own I would in a fucking heartbeat. No one will ever be able to compare to the way Aryse makes me feel when he's around me.
When he's around me I feel as if it's only him and I in the room. It's as if all the air in the room has been sucked out and I lose my breath. My stomach feels all weird like butterflies and I get excited like a little kid.
But.. in reality that's just a feeling and not something that I can grasp onto and hold it. He has Lyra and I have Addison.. but I still deeply wish that Aryse was mine. And no matter how hard I try, I cannot hey Aryse our of my head. It's like he's over taken my thoughts and I'm unable to think about anything else.

As the days pass, Lyra and I spend more time together and get closer with each other. I try my best to keep the thoughts about Hayden away. Sometimes it works but other times I have to excuse myself so I don't blurt it out..
Today, we decided to go out since we haven't in awhile. I take her to dinner and it all seems to be perfect. She's all smiley and it makes me smiley. What could go wrong?..
We talk about random things until Hayden walks up to our table.
"Mind if join you two? My date ditched me." He smiles at Lyra.
"Sure." Lyra replies. Fuck my life.. Just what I needed.
"So how have you two been? Baby doing good?"
"Fine. Everything is fine. Why are you here, Hayden?" I reply.
"Aryse wow. You're moody all of a sudden." Lyra glares at me.
"What? It was just a question." I look at Hayden. "So, Hayden. What are you doing here of all places?"
"Same reason you are, but I already told you she ditched me."
"Mhm. Okay. So why come up to us and ruin our date?"
"I was just stopping by to say hi to my best friends." He smiles at me. I catch my breath and almost choke on air.
"Are you okay, Aryse?" Lyra puts her hand on mine.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I look down at the table and then back up at Hayden. "Well now that you've said hi, you can say bye."
"Aryse stop being so rude." Lyra glares at me again.
"I'm just saying. He said that's all he wanted."
"Hayden you can stay if you want. It's not a big deal." Lyra smiles at Hayden and he sits down next to her.
"Thanks, Lyra." He looks at me with a mocking look.
Why Lyra...Why..
"So how's it been?" Hayden asks.
"Good." Lyra replies. "Just a lot to take in still." She laughs nervously.
"Yeah.." I reply.
"Moving on quickly I assume?" Hayden says. Lyra and I look up at him confused. "With the bay stuff I mean, like you know baby names and stuff. Isn't that what all new parents talk about?" He looks at me with that look he gave me for the first time in my bedroom..
"Oh, Yeah.. we have. We've already picked out names actually." I say. "So yeah.. we're moving on really well." I glare at Hayden and he looks away.
"Uh.. okay." Lyra says. "Hayden, how have you been?"
Hayden doesn't look up. "I've been okay. Just can't keep my emotions and thoughts straight about something that's been bothering me, but I'm alright."
"Oh. I'm sorry about that." Lyra replies. She looks at me confused and I shrug my shoulders. Even though I think I know what he's talking about because I feel the same way..
"I actually have been thinking, Aryse we should hang out soon since you know we haven't in a while." He looks up at me with that look in his eyes.. Oh fuck my life..
"Uh, actually now isn't the time. I've been busy with Lyra and everything else. Sorry." I look down at my phone. "Oh look at the time. Lyra we need to go."
Lyra looks at me confusingly but nods her head. Hayden gets up so she can get up. "Let's go." I say.
Lyra walks ahead of me and I start to follow after her when Hayden grabs my arm. "I know you still feel something for me. 'Cus I do too."
I pull my arm away and hurry after Lyra.
I can't let my feelings for Hayden get in the way of my relationship with Lyra.

A few days pass and I'm unable to shake the feeling of Hayden's touch when he grabbed my arm. His warm touch on my skin. The way he looked at me when he walked up to us.
I can't let go of the thought of his bare skin against mine..or the way he smiles when he's with me. The warmth he brings me when I'm around him is too much to bear sometimes.
Sometimes I feel as if Hayden and I are meant for each other and other times I feel like we're meant to just stay friends. I'm not so sure how I feel now. But what I am sure about right now, is that I need Hayden just one more time. Just one more time before Lyra and I get too serious. And without her knowing.

I was more than happy when Aryse texted me and asked if he could come over for a little bit. He said that Lyra was out for a little bit and he didn't want to be alone so of course I said yes and let him come over.
"Sorry for the last minute text." Aryse says as he sits down on my bed.
"Oh it's fine. I wasn't doing anything anyway. I'm actually happy that you agreed to hang out again. I've kinda been missing your presence."
"Same. I've been thinking about you a lot recently."
"Oh, you have?.." I look at him confused.
"You know Lyra and I can't have sex cus she's you know and I've been in that mood lately and I can't do anything about it." He looks up at me with longing in his eyes. I back up towards the wall.
"Aryse.. you know you can't do that. If Lyra finds out she's going to be-"
"She won't find out." Aryse interrupts. "She won't know. I just need it, Hayden. It's too much for me to ignore. Please, I need it." He begins to tear up. I walk over to him and hug him.
"Okay..okay we can do it." I whisper in his ear. I let go of him and walk to my bed. I lay down and prepare myself for the touch I've been wanting for so long.
Aryse walks to the bed and takes off his shirt. He sits on top of me and and looks down at me. I raise my hand up to touch his chest. I run my finger down his chest and a unsteady breath escapes his mouth. He puts his hands on the bed and leans down to kiss me. His kiss is hard, full of want. I miss back and grab his neck to pull him closer to me. I let go of him and look down at my shirt. He pulls it off of me and kisses me again. He pulls away and takes his pants off, he throws them to the floor. He then slides mine off and throws them to the floor as well.
He puts his hand on my area and closes his eyes. He opens them and looks at me. I'm unable to say anything. I'm excited and just want him to touch me already. I grab his hand and push it down on my area. Another unsteady breath escapes him. I let go of his hand but he's still pressing down. He removes his hand and looks up at me. We stare at each other a moment longer before he flips me over on top of him and he whispers "fuck me."
I immediately just go for it.
I put my hands in his underwear and grab his area. I rub it hard and he moans. I continue to rub his area then slide down his underwear and run my finger around his stomach and down to his area. I take my underwear and lean down to kiss him. I feel his erection against mine and moan softly. I kiss him and move mine against his. He moans softly and kisses back hard. It feels like hours go  by before I get up and put my clothes back on. Aryse gets up and does the same.
"Thank you. I'm satisfied now." He smiles at me.
I smile back at him. "You're welcome. Me too."
"I should go before Lyra gets back. Thanks again, Hayden. I'm glad to know that we still have this connection. He hugs me and leaves.
I fall onto my bed and sigh loudly.
Holy fuck.. I got what I wanted.

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