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Its 4:30pm and I am in a car with Alex..his car to be exact. It's a nice car I guess. Not as nice as Aryse's 2018 mustang gt..
  "Almost there." Alex looks at me and smiles. I give him a half smile back.
  Being surrounded by his friends?.. Makes me feel a bit uneasy and I'm beginning to question myself..why did I even agree to this.
We arrive in a wooded area. As I get out of the car, Alex is instantly by my side. He smiles at me and holds out his hand. I look down at it and smile. "No thanks, I can walk on my own."
  Alex puts his hand down and starts walking. "This way."
  I follow him down a trail, when we reach the lake I see a group of guys jumping off of a cliff. "Whoa, what the hell?"
  Alex laughs. "Relax they're just having fun. Come on."
  We walk to where the guys are jumping off. "Hey, guys." Alex greets them. They all greet him back with smiles and high-fives. "This is Lyra. Lyra, this is Jay, Chase, Dylan and Sage."
  I smile and all the boys start laughing.
  "You brought a girl, Alex?"
  "Shut up, Sage. She's probably more manly you are."
  The boys start laughing and teasing Sage. He glares at me and turns toward the edge and jumps off into the water; Jay and Dylan follow after him.
  "Hey, just ignore him." I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see a boy with dark hair and blue eyes. "Sage is an asshole. His girlfriend just recently moved and broke up with him so he's got a stick up his ass when it comes to girls. You're going to have to learn to ignore him when he gets like that."
  "Thanks." I smiles nervously.
  "The names Chase." He holds out his hand for me to shake.
  "Lyra." I take his hand and shake it.
  He releases my hand. "Cool." He starts to turn away before turning back around. "I hope you brought a bathing suit." He smiles. "Unless you plan to stay up here alone." He turns away and soon I here the sound of his body hitting the water below.
  I take off my shirt and shorts. Standing here in my under clothes, I notice Alex staring at me. "Nice body." I immediately cover my chest and he walks closer to me. "Hey.. it's okay. You don't have to do that." He walks closer to me and runs his thumb across my cheek. He smiles and holds out his hand. "Are you planning to jump?"
"I-I don't know yet.."
I'm sure he could hear the fear in my voice because he then grabs my hand and walks me to the highest part of the edge. "If it helps just close your eyes. It feels great. Oh but make sure to hold your legs in, you don't want to get hurt." He smiles at me again and jumps off into the water.
Standing up here alone, I admire the view. The way the sun peaks through the trees, she sound of the birds overhead, the smell of the woods. I take it all in and admire its beauty. I walk to the edge and look down. It's pretty far down..
"Hey, come on its not that bad." Alex yells up to me.
I take a deep breath and back away from the edge a little bit. I gather up my courage, take a deep breath and jump..
You know that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster and it reaches the top, it feels like time slows just for a second before going down and your stomach flips? Yeah this...this is about like that..
I feel the breeze in my face as I'm falling. I tuck my legs in just like Alex told me and I feel my body hit the water. The impact stings a little but that was somewhat fun. I mean I wouldn't do it again, but it was fun..
"Heyy. How was your jump?" Alex is by me as soon as I surface the water.
"It was fun, but I hope I don't have to do that again."
Alex laughs. "That bad, huh?" He smiles at me. "Come here I want to show you something." He starts to swim to the waterfall and I follow him. "Give me your hand." I give him my hand, he takes it in his and pulls me through the water.
"Wow." I smile foolishly like a kid in a candy store.
"It's cool, huh?" Alex smiles back at me. "It's a nice place to think. It's nice to hear the rushing sound of the water. It's calming in a way." He looks out through the water fall. "Those idiots are too busy being immature so they won't notice we're not out there." He turns to face me. "So, Lyra Tate, tell me your story."
"My story?"
"Yes. Like for example, why you're here right now."
"Um.. Well, my dad got a job offer and instead of going alone he told me I had to move with him. So here I am.." I smile nervously.
"Nice." He stares at me for a moment. "You have very lovely hazel eyes, Lyra."
I feel myself blush. "And your blue eyes are so breathtakingly beautiful."
He blushes a little and smiles. "You're so beautiful." He moves closer to me and puts his hand on my face and rubs my cheek with his thumb.
He's so close I can feel his warm breath. I can his deep blue eyes. I can see the grey shades in the blue.
He stares at me while I stare at him. He looks at my lips and licks his. I close my eyes and in a second I feel his lips on mine. Pulling me closer to him, Alex lifts me up and my legs are around his waist. We kiss for what seems like forever before he pulls away. "You're so fucking beautiful, Lyra." He kisses me again. He pulls away and sets me down back in the water.
Sitting in the grass next to a very attractive boy, life seems wonderful right now. Not even thinking about Aryse, not thinking about all the bad things he did to me; I feel so safe and so wonderful right here next to Alex Sin. The boy who I just kissed inside a waterfall...
I lay my head against his shoulder and breathe in his smell. Cologne and musk.. We stay like that until Alex says it's time to go. Before we get up he whispers to me. "I want you to be mine." I just smile and take the hand me offers me. We walk to his car and he takes me home.

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