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Aryse is my baby daddy. Not the type of guy that I mess around with and he spoils me, but my baby daddy as in the daddy to my baby. Even though it's not his baby, he agreed to help me and that's just as good. I love Aryse and now he's mine. Life is looking great and I wouldn't change it for anything. I smile to myself and mentally kiss Aryse in my mind.

Imagine being a 12 year old and hearing your mother say she doesn't love you as a mother should love her son. Instead she loves you as if you weren't even her son. So she does what she desires and touches you the way she wants to and forces you to stay quite about it. I can remember the day perfectly, as if if were yesterday.
I know what it feels like to do something against your will. My mother forced me as a 12 year old to please her by letting her touch me.. She told me that it wasn't a big deal. But one day she told my dad that the guy down the street got her pregnant so she moved in with him. That was the last time I've ever seen my mother. Later I found out that she had a miscarriage; she had called me randomly and told me that we had lost the baby. The baby was mine..
To this day, I still remember the feeling of her touch, the way she would look at me when she wanted to touch me. I wish I could forget. My father found out and made her leave us alone by putting a restraining order against her. I haven't seen her in five years. Which is fine by me because she was a terrible mother.
Alex touched Lyra against her will and she stood up and said something about it; I didn't. Lyra is handling this as if it's no big deal; I'm still suffering to this day. Whatever Lyra is going through or will go through, I will not leave her side. I may not be the father to her baby but I'm sure as hell willing to try. No one deserves to go through something like that alone.
Lyra is mine and I am hers.

"So you and Lyra, huh?"
"Yeah. She calls me her baby daddy." Aryse laughs nervously.
"Air, you're amazing you got this. You're going to be a great dad, even if the baby isn't yours I know you're going to love it as if it were." I smile at him and he smiles back.
"Thanks, Hay."
"Wait.. this means no more friends with benefits, right?" I look down at the cafeteria floor.
"I'm sorry, Hayden. I think it's time we grow up. We need to move on from that and be more mature about life. We're nearly seniors. It's time we start thinking about our future and right now mine consists of Lyra and the baby."
I sigh. "Yeah. I get it. I just don't want to lose you permanently. I need you in my life, Aryse."
"I know." He puts his hand on mine. "I still love ya and will always be here for you no matter what. Always and forever my best friend." He smiles at me and I smile back at him.
Maybe this isn't such a bad idea for him to do. Lyra does need him. But as long as he doesn't leave me for good and still makes time for me, I'm going to support him every step of the way. My best friend needs my support and so does Lyra.

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