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A month ago, Alex was claimed guilty in court; A month ago, he took my virginity from me, a month ago I was a normal 17 year old in highschool. Now, I'm a 17 year old sitting on my bathroom floor staring down at a pregnancy test that reads positive. A 17 year old teenager still in school, and possibly pregnant. I feel like my life is ruined. Like my light has gone out..

I stand up and throw the test away, stand up and run the warm water. I get in the shower and let the warm water run over my face. If I am pregnant, Aryse would be the first person I'd tell.


I feel guilty for pushing Lyra into reporting Alex. It's my fault all this has happened. If I would have just kept my anger and hands to myself, he wouldn't have tried to kill me or hurt Lyra. He wouldn't be getting sent away for the next three years.

I ruined a good relationship for Lyra. If I would have stayed out of it, she would be happy. I'm sure her and Alex would have hooked up sooner or later, but I wouldn't allow that. She's my Lyra. I'm going to prove to her just how much I love her and how much she means to me. Whatever I have to do.

I get out of bed, do my morning routine, and get dressed. I put my boot on and stare at my crutches for a few minutes, I decide against them. I grab my bag and head to school for the first time in a month.


"I didn't go. I was too busy." Addison is sitting across from me. We're in the cafeteria waiting for the next class to start. Alex and Lyra are the big topic of everyone's conversation today. A month after it happened and people are still being nosy and are dying to know exactly happened.

"I did. It was wonderful." Aryse sits down next to me and smiles at me. "One year in juvenile hall and then another two years once he turns eighteen."

"Well that's a lovely birthday present." Addy comments and we all laugh. "So, Aryse, how's Lyra? It's been a while since I've heard from her and we all know you two stay in touch quite a bit."

Aryse looks down at the table. "Actually I haven't heard from her in a month. She's been avoiding my texts and calls."

"A month?!" Addy scoots closer to the table. "I hope she's okay."

"Maybe she's still stressed about it or still in shock. I mean I would be after what she went through." I reply.

"But it's been a month, she should be fine by now. Unless there's something else she's not telling us." Addy sits back and sighs. "She never tells me anything anymore."

Aryse's phone dings and we look at him. "What?.. It's just a text."

"From who?" I ask.


"What did she say??" Addy asks, really close to the table and leaning towards Aryse trying to see his phone screen.

"I have to go, I'll tell you guys later?" He gets up and grabs his bag. "See you guys later. I promise I'll let you guys know what she wanted, okay?" He walks away, while we just stare at him confused.


Lyra said to meet her at the Kingston Mall. It takes me forty-five  minutes to get there. When I get there she's sitting on a bench waiting for me. Her face is red like she's been crying. She smiles when she sees me and walks toward me.

I hold out my arms and she hugs me. "Thank you for coming, you're the best." She smiles again and grabs my hand and pulls me back to the spot where she was sitting. She let's go of my hand and sighs.

"Are you okay?" I put my hand on her leg sympathetically.

"Not really." She replies. "I actually need to tell you something but I'm not quite sure how to."

"Lyra, you can tell me anything. You know that."

"Yes, I know.. but this is different."

"Why?! Am I going to be upset with whatever it is you need to tell me?" I shift in spot a little bit, I'm getting uncomfortable.

"That's just it. I don't know how you're going to react, and I don't want you to be mad at me because it isn't my fault this is happening." She sighs.

"Lyra, just tell me. I'm sure I wont get mad at you." I rub her leg in a comforting way and she puts her hand on mine.

"I think I'm pregnant." She says it too fast.

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me.. I'm pregnant."

"Are you sure? How do you know? How long have you known?"

"Since this morning. I bought a test yesterday because its been a month since my last period and I was getting paranoid so I decided to get one and when I took it, it was positive."

"Okay, well, maybe you should go to the hospital and have them make sure its accurate? Also, why did you tell me? Does anyone else know?.."

She looks up at me and half smiles. "Besides my dad, you are the only other person who knows."

I cough from surprise. "You're dad knows?" I raise my eyebrows.

She laughs a little. "That's a long story. I should have been more secretive about it. He found it." She shrugs and we laugh. "But in all seriousness, Aryse, I told you because I need someone to help me raise the baby."

"You want me to help you raise his baby?" We're walking around the mall discussing this..this problem. Yeah its a problem, a big problem.

"Aryse please don't be like this. I need you, please."

"I just.. its not mine. Its his. This baby...  I don't know Lyra. I'm sorry."

"Aryse, please? We have each other. We can help each other. We have financial support from your career and I'm sure our dads wouldn't mind helping if we needed it." She looks at me hopeful eyes.

I smile at her. "Fine, but under one condition."


"You have to be my girlfriend."

"I.. uh..."

"What, you don't want to?" I feel my mood drop.

"No, its not that. I'd love to. I just never thought I'd hear you say that."

"I love you, Lyra. I always have."

She smiles and blushes a little. "I love you, Aryse."

I take her hand in mine. "Come on, let's get out of here. I'm starving."

She laughs and it fills my heart with happiness. In this moment, I feel proud. Not because of myself, but because Lyra asked me to be the father of her baby.

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