Chapter 2

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Charlie's pov

The brothers dropped me at the subway with Sam buying me a sandwich as it was almost past dinner time. I descended the stairs and saw my train was standing at the platform. I hopped in before the doors close and the train started moving. I removed my dad's journal from my bag which Dean gave me last year. The train was empty and quite so it was comfortable to read. Then some older boys boarded the car in which I was as the train stopped at next station. I took a quick glance at them they were all smiling at me wickedly.

I hear footsteps, someone stood beside me. The other boys backed away. I looked at the person standing beside me, it was Lucas. I pulled back the hood of my oversized hoodie. The boys at the other corner let out a low whistle.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hi." He said back smiling.

"Have a seat." I said patting the seat next to me, he sat beside me.

"How did things go with Riley?" I asked

"Not so good, she is depressed." He replied.

"Sorry for leaving you guys rudely earlier." I apologize.

"It's okay, I an sure something important really came up." He said.

"Yeah, I was trying to get a job to pay my fees but they rejected." I lied.

"Maybe we could help." Lucas said

"No it's okay, I have talked to my brothers and they will be visiting next week." I said.

"Okay. What are you reading?" He asked. I froze for a second then I made up another story.

"It's my dad's unpublished work. He wanted to be a writer." I said. He nodded and looked through few pages.

"Demons, shapeshifters, vampires, ghouls, werewolves gotta say your dad was amazing fantasy writer." He said and smiled. I nodded smiling back at him. He closed the journal and handed back to me. The train came to a screechy stop and I lightly bumped into Lucas.

"Sorry." I said. The other boys left the station and the train took off again.
It was very quite. None of us say a word.

"So quite." I said.

"Yeah." He replied. An idea popped in my head. I removed my phone and out of the song 'Shoot to thrill' by AC/DC and stood up.

"Wanna dance?" I asked him.

"No, I am good here." He said.

"Okay." I shrugged and raised up the volume. I dances, did some hip hop steps walking through the compartment. Lucas smiled at me.

"Come on, it's so much fun." I say to him.

"No I am okay." He replied. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"You got some strength girl." He said.

"Follow me." I said and did some simple hip hop steps for him to copy me. He did some of his own too. We danced through out the compartment, then again the train come to a screechy stop, Lucas fell back on the seat sitting in it and I fell sitting on his lap, he put his arm around me to stop falling out of his lap. The song ended and we sat there for few seconds staring into each others eyes. His eyes we're beautiful green. 'Wait what?' I thought and we snapped out to reality. He let me go, I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"It's my stop." I said

"See you in school."

"See you." I said and stepped out of the train, the train left the station.

'What just happened?' I thought.

"He likes you." A male voice said, I recognize it.

"I guess so, but I don't want to get them in trouble Benny." I said looking at the dark figure in the corner of the empty station. He was there so Sam and Dean don't worry about me so much.

"Don't live your life alone, take what may come." He said stepping out of the dark.

"I'll think about it. You going same way?" I ask.

"Yes sister." He replied and walked up to me. He put this arm around my shoulder and I around his back. We walked together towards my apartment. Few minutes later Benny stopped, I knew he sensed something.

"What is it?" I ask. We turn around and someone almost attacked me but Benny pushed me aside, I fell on the ground. Another man tried to attack me, I rolled over and stood up, then a woman punched me hard just below my right eye. I again fell on the ground. Benny pulled the woman and threw her across the street and helped me up.

"Wait, easy there." Benny said to three people as he stood beside me.

"Who are you?" I ask, the people's eyes turn black. Demons.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You." One said

"To get to the Winchester brothers." Other woman said.

"Why?" I asked annoyed.

"They're killing demons." Other guy said.

"Wait, wait, wait we're not killing anyone other than monsters. We have an agreement with Crowley." I said like Dean.

"How did you know Crowley?" The demon asked.

"Because I met him and he's one of our good friend." I said.

"Hello Darling." Crowley appeared behind the demons.

"Crowley, didn't Dean told you to leave me alone cuz I don't want to screw up my studies." I said.

"True and also true that I didn't send them, I am here to take them back before your angel French fries me." He said and they disappeared.

"Thank you" I mumbled.
"You are just like your brothers." Benny said, I smiled and we walk back to my apartment with Benny, he left soon after

I ate a left over pizza and went to bed after finishing my homework. It was hell of a day today.

The Girl Meets Supernatural World.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz