Episode 2 chapter 1

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A/N: I skipped 2 episodes of this season 3 cuz they bored me and this is episode 4 on actual series so don't get confused and this episode might be long.

Charlie's POV.

It's been few weeks now I am friends with Riley and her friends. Today I had Spanish in my timetable but I changed it to French, I suck at Spanish last year so I went and talked to principal, he gave me the permission. The day went by and I went for my soccer practice, scored few goals and it was break time, I sat in the in the stadium drinking my water and watching the baseball tryouts, there I spotted Lucas and Zay. I did herd that they didn't do well in football. I watch the tryouts, Lucas was out in no time, he couldn't hit a single ball and besides Zay did well. I saw the coach gave Lucas second chance. I drank my water and went in locker room to change.

After school we were all in Topenga's. I was sitting next to Lucas and Maya on the couch, Farkle and Smackle on the one near window and Zay sat in front of me on another couch. Riley sat in the chair away from us cuz she got D in her Spanish test.

"What? You not sittin with us anymore?" Maya asked.

"I don't deserve to sit with you guys. I am disgraced. D for disgraced. She said pointing at her Spanish test.

" Riley it's only one D." I said.

"Yeah, you know how many Ds I got in middle school? Once I got five Ds in one day." Maya says.

"You're cinco D Maya." Zay says. We all laugh.

"Oh I don't get it!" Riley exclaimed.

"Actually those Ds don't matter anymore Maya." Farkle says.

"True." I said.

"We all started as equals here because only our high school grades count on our permanent record." Smackle explain. The waitress came with my order, I ordered a chocolate smoothie. It came with two straws.

"Here's your order love birds. One chocolate smoothie with two straws." The waitress said.

"Wait, who you are calling love birds?" I asked

"You and the cute one. Are you not together?" She asks.

"No, we're not together, she's my friend." Lucas said. Then my phone beeped, it was message from Sam. It said 'Need your help to hunt down a pack of rogue werewolf. If you are free.' I texted back 'Yep' and he texted me the address of the motel they're staying at.

"Too bad. If I were you I would've asked her out." The waitress said and left.

"What just happened?" Maya and Riley asked in unison.

"She just mistook us." Lucas said.

"You can have the smoothie Lucas, I have to go something important came up. See you at school." I said and left. On my way out I hear Riley shout,

"What's more important than my D!"

I ignored it, hailed for cab and went to the motel. After reaching the motel I went up to their room and knocked on the door. Sam opened the door.

"Sammy!!" I exclaimed happily and almost jumped on him to hug him. He's tall so I have to jump a little.

"Ha ha happy to see you too sis." He said rotating a bit. He put me down by the bed. Then I turn to Dean.

"Hiya baby sis." He said.

"Hiya Big brother." I said hugging him too.

"We miss you too sis." He said as we pulled away.

"I miss you guys too." I said.

"How's school going?" Sam asks.

"It's good, I made new friends." I replied.

"That's great." Sam says.

"So tell me about this pack of wolves we're hunting." I said. The boys gave me the details and after sundown we left to hunt, the wolves were hiding in a warehouse near Bleecker St, killed  four people so far and it's the pack of four wolves, two of them were women. I took down the women with my fighting skills and stabbing them with my angle blade that Cass had gave me.

After finishing the hunt were driving back to motel, I didn't shut up telling them about my new friends, Dean was interested at first then got annoyed later as I kept babbling like a child. Sam couldn't help but smile at Dean's annoyed face. I noticed it too and stopped babbling, both me and Sam burst out laughing.

After reaching back at motel I cleaned myself up in the bathroom and walked in the main room.

"It's been so long since I went on a hunt." I said sipping on my soda as the boys had their bottle of beer.

"Yeah you do." Sam said.

"So where's Cass?" I asked.

"Teaching Jack how to hunt and about his angel powers." Dean replied. I nodded.

"Gosh I miss that kid. It's been a year since I last saw him." I said.

"And he also missed you too, his beloved aunt Charlie." Dean mocks.

"Shut up you squirrel." I mock him back. Sam just chuckle at us.

"Come on let's get going now." Dean says after finishing his beer.

"Wait you're leaving so soon?" I ask

"We have to kiddo, Bobby needs some help back at the Souix." Dean said. I nodded and hugged them for last time.

"Do you want us to drop you on our way?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, at the subway please." I said dramatically.

"Let's get going your highness." Sam said.

Sorry I didn't updated on the weekends. I'll fill the weekend gap in this week.

Comment if you like. 😉

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