Chapter 2

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That's Zeke ^

Charlie's POV

I was returning home, it was it was quite late I have to stay alert as the alleyways was becoming quite. As I  was passing by a park I stopped seeing a familiar face there. It was Maya. I hid in the shadows watching what was Maya about to do. Maya removed a brick, a hammer and some spray paint from her bag. Then two girls walked through the gate and stopped as they spotted Maya. The fair one smirked and walked up to her the black girl following close behind.  Maya looked at them shocked, guess she knew them.

"Carla?" Maya asked.

"Hey Hart." The fair girl named Carla said.

"Nice Jacket." Carla said looking her up and down.

"Thanks." Maya replied.

"Give it to me." Carla snapped, Maya froze.

"Just messin with ya." Carla said and the two girls laughed, then they looked behind her on the bench where the brick, hammer and spray paints lay.

"Looks like you are ready to do something when this place gets scary after dark. Where's your little friend? Dorothy?" Carla asked.

"Riley." Maya corrected.

"Dorothy's so stupid." the other girl said.

"Her name's Riley." Maya said.

"She's all 'I am Dorothy, I got perfect life, I am little miss perfect life." Carla snapped.

"You sound jealous." Maya said.

"I am not jealous, I just want what she has." Carla said rolling her eyes. The other girl took the hammer and broke one of the girl's head from five statues. She handed the hammer to Maya and told her to broke it if she is still that girl they used to know. Maya raised her hand above her head about to break the statue further but stopped in mid air. Then she put her hand down defeated. Carla took the hammer from her hand and threatened her, trying to scare her. I was about to reveal myself and go save Maya but I stopped seeing what happened next. Maya grabbed the brick and threatened them instead putting up her best angry face. Soon the girls left out of fear I sensed leaving Maya alone. She grabbed the paint spray and started spraying on the brick wall. I walked out of the shadows and up to Maya. I kept my bag on the bench, grabbed another spray can and stood beside Maya spray painting the wall.

"Need some help?" I asked. She looked at me shocked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Vandalism." I answered.

"You could get arrested." She said.

"Well, not new to me." I said which was true, I have been got arrested many times along with my brothers on few hunts or portraying fake feds. Thanks to Donna and Jody we were out and away from police arresting for long, that's why Sam suggested me to go to school and complete my studies so I went. 

"Riley wanted the real Maya, that's what I am giving her." Maya said.

"You could've break the statue but you didn't, because that's the influence she had on you." I said turning to Maya. She stopped painting and turned to me too.

"You say Maya is good?" She asked.

"I believe she is, she's broken but strong and that's how she becomes unbreakable." I said, she didn't respond, she looked at the can instead. 

"Maya listen, everything comes at a cost even being evil has a price. If you would have been with those girls you would've never known the joy and happiness of friendship and about the people who care." I said. She nods then look up at me.

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