twenty one

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*not super detailed, but it does get a little naughty towards the end, just an FYI if you dont like that!!!

Vernon Hills won the game. I couldn't tell you a thing that happened because I didn't have a single clue how volleyball worked, but I did know that we won.

Although I watched carefully, the ball moved way too fast and whistles were blown for no real reason, so I couldn't keep up. I simply cheered when David cheered, and clapped for Ester when she got a particularly smug look on her face after she hit the ball. I knew that look meant she was doing good. I was proud of her.

After the game, I let her talk to her volleyball friends and her coach, and then we took some pictures together. I could've stayed all night congratulating her, telling her she was the best player on the team and how proud I was to be her friend, but eventually, Ben got annoyed and tossed me over his shoulder. With a wave, I yelled that I'd see her on Monday.

I lifted my head to see David walking behind us. I frowned, "Please help me."

"Not sure what you want me to do," his shit eating grin told me I would be stuck on Ben's shoulder until we got to the car.

"Ben, you're hurting me!" I whined, squealing as he let go of my legs, my torso flying further down his back. I thought I was going head first into the ground, but he caught me at the last second. My face was now fully in front of his butt, and I had to use all of my nonexistent core strength to hold myself away from him. We finally reached the parking spot, and he yanked me over his shoulder, dropping me on the ground. I almost stumbled from the rough toss, but David quickly grabbed my hips and kept me in place. I smiled at him, a bit awkwardly, and said, "Thanks."

"Get your hands off my little sister, Dobrik," Ben warned, his voice all too serious. I made a face at David and he let me go.

"She's hard to resist," David joked, Ben not knowing he was dead serious.

"Get in the fucking car."

I stayed silent most of the ride home since Ben bullied me any time I spoke. I told Dad about the game, he helped me finish packing, and then I took a shower and got ready for bed.

I couldn't have been asleep for more than an hour when I got shaken awake, lips on my neck. I sighed, "David, what if Ben wakes up?"

"I pretended to fall asleep in the basement and he went to his room. I'm kind of like Einstein," David grinned smugly. He was very proud of himself. It was kind of cute, and I had to admit that I wouldn't have thought of the idea. "If you don't kiss me in two seconds, I might die. I might seriously pass away."

"Have you been drinking?" I asked, just noticing the smell of alcohol on his breath when he leaned over to kiss me. I was young and inexperienced and very confused about the whole consent thing, so kissing David when he was even the slightest bit drunk seemed wrong in my eyes... even if he was my boyfriend.

"Baby, you're so precious," he kissed my cheek, his smile only growing as I slightly shied away. "You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, but I'm not that drunk, and you can kiss me."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be put on the sex offender registry."

"To be honest, you could do anything to me and I'd thank you for it," it was supposed to be a joke, but David's tone was way too serious.

"You shouldn't even say that. I would never do anything you didn't want me to do," I frowned at the idea of me hurting him.

"I know," he lazily smirked. "That's kind of the whole point. You couldn't do anything I wouldn't be fine with."

"Okay," I smiled at him. "I feel the same way about you. You can kiss me now."

And it was true. As virginal and scared as I was, David was a trustworthy person. I wholeheartedly believed he couldn't do anything I wouldn't be comfortable with. He made me feel safe with him, which was all I ever needed.

We kissed for a long time, his hand staying at a respectable place on my outer thigh and the other one holding him up. I was surprised by his arm strength; I'd be shaking like a leaf if I was in the position he was in. I finally pulled away, out of breath, and said, "We should do something."

"Like, watch a movie?" David asked, shifting his weight to his other hand while he had the chance.

"Not exactly what I was thinking," and I made my move, my hand sliding down his chest and stopping at the place just above the button of his jeans.

I honestly didn't know what I was doing, but I felt like it was time. David and I knew each other way too well, and I knew he had had sex with Liza based on how his friends talked about it. It was only a matter of time before something happened between us, and I'd rather do it in my house where I knew nothing seriously bad could happen.

"A-are you serious?" David turned into a blushing, stuttering mess the second my hand even came near his... area. It made me feel good knowing I at least had some power over David. Everyone had a weakness, and it seemed I had just found his.

My hand shifted just slightly further, my fingertips sliding under his waistband just a hare. I smiled, "Pretty serious. Is that okay?"

"Honey," his breathing got deeper. Even the slightest touch seemed to have him on high alert. I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or just from me, but whatever it was, I liked it. It made me feel strong. "Yes. Whatever you want to do, yes."

"Take off your pants," I told him, feeling more confident than ever. He rolled off of me, giving me the chance to crawl on top of him while he struggled to get his jeans down his legs. I smiled at him when he finally got settled. I finally admitted, "I've never done this before. Can you teach me?"

"Of course I can," he said eagerly. He grabbed my face and said, "Come here."

We were kissing again, but this time, I was on top. David very gently used his hands to grab my hips, showing me how to rock back and forth against him. My thin cotton shorts and his even thinner underwear were virtually no protection; I felt like I could feel everything. I pulled back to ask, "Is that right?"

"Perfect, baby," he looked like he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. "You're perfect."

I gave my very first hand job that night. David ruined my shirt (does that stuff wash out?), and he kissed my temple when it was all over. He tried to do something for me, but I could tell he was seconds from falling asleep so I denied him.

He told me he was proud of me, and he fell asleep in my arms.

Cute. O how i wish it was me !

Feeling productive today.... avoided studying for a test tomorrow by going to the gym and writing this....... so definitely gonna fail that but oh well

Vote and comment so i dont think about it anymore

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