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David snuck me out to his car, which didn't require as much sneaking as he forced me to participate in, and drove us to his favorite restaurant, a place called Portillo's.

"So what'd you do with my picture of Liza?"

"It's on my desk," I replied. "I've decided if she ever comes over with Ben, I'm gonna put it in his room. I want him to look like a stalker."

"You might be evil," David grinned like he was proud of me. "I appreciate that, though."

"I've got your back, David," I said, immediately turning shy after I said it. "Plus, if my brother has a girlfriend, that means I'm gonna hear everything. His room is right next door to mine, you know?"

"I didn't know that. I'll remember it though," he smirked, seeming a little too confident with it. "What are you gonna get?"

"I don't know. I've never been."

"You've never been to Portillo's? What, do you live under a rock?"

"David," I frowned at his judgmental attitude. "I've only been here for a few weeks. I lived in Texas, North Carolina, and Tennessee before this. They don't have these."

"You're gonna love it."

"I don't know," I giggled. "I'm a picky eater. I only eat oatmeal and chicken fingers."

"You look like that type of person," he said, but when my jaw dropped, he immediately retracted his statement. "Not in a bad way! You're just really super tiny. I can tell you get no nutrients."

"Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I'm short in general," I smirked at that comeback, pretty proud of myself for thinking of it on the spot.

"You know, that would offend me a little more if you weren't actually five feet tall."

"I'm five one, dummy!" I sighed. "No one ever believes me when I add the one in. But I am! I swear!"

"Not so threatening when you call me dummy. Plus, you're probably ninety pounds. I could crush you."

"I'm actually almost one twenty. I had to drink protein shakes last year because I was underweight, and now, I'm a healthy weight. So suck on that."

"You make me laugh," David smiled down at me as we finally pulled into a parking spot. We entered, and I did, in fact, end up ordering chicken tenders and fries. David got some type of beef sandwich that looked disgusting, but he swore it was the best thing ever. He tried a hundred times to get me to take one "teeny, tiny" bite, but I refused. The weird, pinkish brown color of the meat and the amount of liquid soaked into the bread threw me off. "Do you at least like yours?"

"Yeah," I reassured him, taking another small bite of chicken. "It's hard to mess up chicken fingers. Thanks for paying, by the way. I would've paid for mine if you gave me a chance."

"That wouldn't be very chivalrous, would it?" David raised his eyebrows.

"I thought chivalry was dead?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it," he smirked, and my cheeks immediately heated up. "Stop blushing, Honey. You're too pretty. Wait a second, what's your middle name?"

"None of your business," I immediately tensed up, letting his previous compliment fly over my head so I wouldn't freak out.

"Oh my god, it's totally Badger."

"My middle name is not Badger, dickhead."

"Oh, no! She swore! That one struck a nerve."

"Every dumbass I've ever had to meet has guessed a terrible middle name for me."

"What is it? Bear?"

"Ew, do not call me Honey Bear," I turned my nose up. "That's what my dad calls me."

"Yeah, never again," David seemed to agree that that was disgusting. "What is it? You have to tell me now. I'm going to bug you forever until you tell me."

"Well, actually, you're going to take me back to the library before practice ends early and I get caught out and about with you," I informed him, tossing the napkin onto my tray. "We'll discuss my middle name later."

"Why don't you drive by the way?" David questioned as he stood, taking our trash to the trashcan. "I've noticed you get driven around like you're the fucking pope."

"I don't like to drive," I told him honestly. "My cousin almost died in a car accident. I avoid it whenever I can."

"So you're never going to drive again because there's a possibility you could die? You could die anywhere, you know. I could wreck this car and kill us both. The sky could fall. You could trip and hit your head on the curb getting out of the car."

"Very helpful, thank you," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I'll drive eventually. When I have to. I could drive myself now, if I wanted to. I just don't want to."

David and I bickered back and forth for the drive back to school about the safety of cars and driving in general, and he dropped me off at the front of the school with a smile and a wave. By the time we returned, practice was close to being over, so I chose to just walk to the field and sit at the top of the bleachers until time was up. It never took long once Dad caught me waiting. I was thinking the football boys started waiting for me to come, because as soon as I came, they could leave.

Once I finally got home, I showered, did the homework I couldn't do in the library, and made cookies with my mom. Vegan, gluten free cookies, but... still cookies. They were okay at best.

"Honey, why don't we talk about your friend Ester?" she started as soon as she caught me alone and vulnerable, flour all over my hands. "Is she a sweet girl? Does she go to church?"

"We don't even go to church," Ben commented from his spot on the couch, and I nodded in agreement.

"Answer the question, Honey Bear, or she won't stop," my dad smirked at me as he rummaged through the fridge, pulling out a bottle of Powerade.

"Ester is very sweet. I do not know if she goes to church," I replied as dryly as possible. "Is that all?"

"And her brother? You never told us about him. As a matter of fact, I seem to remember you sprinting up to your room after he brought you home. What's he like?"

"Why don't you ask Ben? David's his friend," I answered a little too quickly and much too defensively. "I don't know him that well. I just seem him in passing in the kitchen sometimes."

"Okay, sweetie," Mom finally smiled, satisfied with my answer. "Wash your hands, and I'll show you how to make cinnamon rolls next week."

Ester exposito has the softest face shes so pretty i love her

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Xoxo abby

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