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"Is this seat taken?" David smiled at me as he plopped down in the plane seat next to me.

"Are you kidding?" I frowned, looking up to Ester only a few rows ahead of us. "All of our seats were split up. I literally looked at your ticket."

"I switched with the nice lady who previously occupied this seat," he told me with a cheesy, annoying smile. "You're going to ruin my vacation if you're mean to me the whole time."

"I can't be nice to you, David," I sighed, laying my head against his shoulder anyway. "Ester's gonna be so mad when she finds out."

"How am I supposed to keep my hands off you all week? Impossible. You're too pretty."

I blushed, but told myself to focus. I was not going to let Ester find out while we were halfway across the country. The awkward tension would be way too high. There was no way I'd ever be able to deal with that.

"You shouldn't be sitting here," I told him. "We haven't even left, and you're going to get me in trouble."

"You're overthinking it, Honey," David told me with a sigh. "I don't even think Ester has the right to be mad. She fucked one of my friends; why can't I fuck one of hers?"

I almost shied away at the fact that I was, apparently, just a "fuck" to him, but another part of his sentence interested me much more. I said, "What do you mean, she had sex with one of your friends?"

I knew exactly what he meant. Clearly, Ester had already told me about her thing with Jeff. I just wasn't aware that David knew about it.

"What does it sound like?" he deadpanned, but when I refused to drop my curious gaze, he added, "I knew she had a little thing for him, and one night he was sleeping over and I woke up and he wasn't on the couch anymore. I checked my bed, and he wasn't there either. I checked the basement and the kitchen. I didn't want to check her room, so I just went back to bed. When I woke up, he was right where he was when I first went to sleep. She was acting weird at breakfast. I just knew."

"Why didn't you go stop him? That's your little sister," I frowned in confusion. If Ben had even an inkling of a suspicion that I was having sex with one of his friends while he was home, he'd barge into the room immediately, unworried about the sights that would later scar him, if only he could stop it.

"It's not like she was getting raped, Honey. She's a big girl. I'm not that worried about her decisions."

"She's lucky."

"Ben's crazy?" he assumed, and I nodded.

"He's like the typical don't mess with my little sister brother that you see in movies, but on steroids. I get that I'm a little naive and I'm too trusting of people, but still.  It's not even a bad thing," I explained.

"What's not a bad thing?"

"To be trusting," I told him. "It's not bad that I want to see the good in everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Everyone deserves someone to be nice to them."

"Even racists?"

"Especially racists," I nodded. "God, if they'd gotten any true love in their miserable lives, maybe they'd realize they are thinking about things all wrong. The people we deem irredeemable are exactly the people we need to be trying to help."

"I think you're great, Honey. The amount that you care about everyone around you... I can see why you want to be a nurse."

"You remember that?" I blushed. It had been a while since I told him that, and I hadn't expected him to actually be listening.

"Of course I do. I remember everything you tell me."

He said it like it was obvious.


I said it like I was confused.

"You know I like you, right?"

"Um," I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, wanting to be anywhere but in front of David right then. "I guess I kind of figured, yeah."

"Okay," he smiled, squeezing my hand. He moved to let go and added, "Just making sure. You seemed confused on how I remembered your future job, so. I remember because I listen to you."

"Oh," I nodded. "Okay. I'm really nervous for take off. I think I'm starting to nervous sweat. Sorry."

"Is this your first time on a plane?"

"Yes," I whined. We usually live close enough to the beach so we just drive. I'm really scared. Everything I've heard about planes says take off is super bad."

"Do you want to hold my hand, Winnie?" David smiled a little too smugly, but I did want to hold his hand. I was conflicted.

"What does Winnie mean?"

"You know, Winnie the Pooh. I saw our baby cousin Toby the other day, and he had the stuffed animal. It reminded me of you. Honey. Winnie the Pooh loves honey. So, you're Winnie."

"You really put a lot of thought into that, huh?" I laughed, taking it upon myself to slide my hand in his. "I'm going to cry. I already feel it."

I did cry. There were tears streaming down my face by the time we were steadily in the air. David laughed the whole time, alternating between squeezing my hand, calling me an idiot, and telling me I was going to be fine. He eventually started telling this long, roundabout story about he and Todd sneaking into Vernon Hills High School and stealing one of the banners for the basketball team's state championship in 1997. It was confusing and overall a waste of my time, but forcing myself to try and figure out what he meant actually did calm me down.

Eventually, about thirty minutes into the plane ride, I asked, "Can I sleep on you?"

"Of course."

David drooled in my hair while we slept, and I somehow got away with it by telling a dramatic story about falling asleep on the cute boy next to me and waking up to crunchy hair. It was pretty much true; I just avoided names. Ester was jealous because she had to sit next to some "fat lump" old man who snored, and I got cute boy saliva crusted on my scalp. 

At the airport, we got our bags and hopped into an Uber which took us to La Playa de Seda, our resort for the next week.

It was huge. It seemed to cast a shadow from its parking lot and all the way across the street. It was right on the beach. As we unpacked the car onto one of those janky little fake gold carts that always had one screwed up wheel, we could smell the salt water and hear the ocean beating against the shore. 

I was in love, and we had only been there for two minutes. 

What could the whole week do to me?

hello folks. typing on my computer, feel like an adult, sorry for any mistakes

I had the most productive homework day EVER today so I felt like I needed to be productive on wattpad too

pls vote and comment and let me know what u think!!!!!! xxoxoxoxoxox abby

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