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David and I laid in his bed for the next three hours, watching Coraline but pausing every five minutes so we wouldn't miss anything while we were kissing. I kept telling him I needed to get home before Ester came back and realized I never left, and he kept telling me he needed ten more minutes.

We sat for hours, talking about life and school and the future.

"What do you want to be? Once you get out of college."

"Um," I sat for a minute. "A nurse, I think. Specifically a mother-baby nurse, like... post delivery. Honestly, I'll take whatever job I can get. What about you?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I just don't feel like I'm that passionate about anything I could learn in school. I can't see myself having a normal job, ever."

"What kind of job would you have?"

"I don't know. I don't feel like I make sense in the real world, Honeybun."

"Don't call me that."

"Why are you friends with Alex Ernst?" David changed the subject (that he brought up) entirely. "I saw you walking in the hallway with him the other day. The kid is a freak."

"He's nice, David," I scolded him. "Not every person that doesn't fit into your friend group mold is a freak. You are so mean for saying that."

"You can't tell me the kid doesn't give off school shooter vibes," David raised his eyebrows at me, smiling up at me from the spot where he was laying.

To be fair, he did. He wore trench coats a little too often and mumbled to himself when walking alone in the hallway, but he was still nice.

"I can tell you agree."

"I don't," I glared at him. "And even if I did, that's all the more reason to be nice to him. One of us is gonna get shot by him one day, and it ain't gonna be me."

"So you have a plan all along?"

"Stop. I'm friends with him because he's the only person I can talk to in one of my classes, and he's really good at history. I seriously need to leave, David. Ester's gonna—"

When we heard the front door open, that's when I freaked out.

"There's like a zero percent chance that's your mom, right?" I asked, and David sighed.

"She's in Chicago. Get in my closet. She'll probably come in here to tell me she's home."

I probably would've been grossed out that I was being forced to hide in a boy's closet because he wanted me to be a secret, but I didn't want Ester to hate me forever, so I did what he said. I shut his closet door just as I heard his bedroom door open.

"Hi. I didn't get raped, just so you know."

"Oh, so the sex was consensual?"

"You're a dick. Have you been here all night?"

"Yeah, but I think I'm going to hang out with Ben and Todd once the game's over. I don't know yet. How's Brandon?"

"How's your mom?" Ester countered, and I heard the door close. I stayed planted in my spot until David swung the closet door open.

"Congratulations, you made it," he smiled widely. "Now, how the hell am I going to get you out of my house?"

"She'll take a shower," I told him with certainty. "Are you really going to hang out with Ben and Todd?"

"No, I just need an excuse to leave and get my pretty girlfriend home."

"Oh, your girlfriend's here?" I glanced around the closet. "Where at? I'd love to meet her."

"Funny. I'm laughing," David was straight faced. "Why aren't you my girlfriend?"

"If I have to hide in the closet from your sister, I'm not your girlfriend."

"You want me to go tell her you were in bed with me for the past three hours? Because I will. I don't give a fuck," I grabbed his hand just as he started to walk away.

"No, I don't. She would be so mad at me," I frowned. "I feel so bad. This isn't a good idea."

"Ester being mad is bullshit, and you know it," David replied, his hand still in mine. "She can't just be mad that you like me more than her."

"Who said I like you more than her?"

"Do you kiss her?"

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"That'd be a lot hotter if she wasn't my sister," he turned his nose up. "Kiss Corinna."


"Okay," David smiled, just as we heard the water running. "Get your stuff together."

David drove me home, luckily dropping me off just a few minutes before the rest of my family pulled up.

"You need to go," I told him, yet didn't move a muscle as his hand sat on my cheek, his thumb lightly brushing up and down. "My family's gonna pull up any second."

"I don't think it will surprise them. You can't have a daughter this pretty and not expect her to be getting dicked down every once in a while," he said it so casually I almost forgot the words were bad. Almost. My face turned beet red, my hands began to sweat, and all I could do was look away. "I'm kidding, babe. We can save that for next time."

"We can save that for never," I corrected him, still red in the face. I hoped my words seemed confident, although I knew for a fact they weren't. "I'm going inside now."

"I'll see you on Monday," he informed me. "After school."

"I feel bad. You pay for things every time we hang out. We need to find free things to do."

"You think on that. Make a list. Check Pinterest."

"How did you know I loved Pinterest?"

"Honey, you have the strongest Pinterest vibe of any girl I've ever met," he laughed, looking me up and down. "You're wearing Brandy Melville."

"This is from Target," I frowned. "Brandy Melville is for skinny girls."

"You're super skinny."

"Skinny girls with flat chests."

"Oh," David's eyes couldn't help but trailing down to my chest. "Yeah. Not for you. You should really go."

"Don't turn this on me," I peeled his hand off my face. "You should really go."

He moved his hand right back to where it started. His eyes never left mine as he said, "I don't get a goodbye kiss?"

"Do you deserve one?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes, leaning forward to place one simple kiss to my lips. Pulling open the door, I told him, "Get out of my driveway."

"Bye, pretty."

"Bye!" I couldn't help the smile and wave as I pranced into the house. I quickly brushed my teeth, fixed my messy hair, and changed into some ugly pajamas. I had just enough time to get a bowl of ice cream and plant myself inconspicuously on the couch when my parents walked in, my brother following shortly behind. "Did ya win?"

"I'm the fucking quarterback. Of course we won," Ben's cocky smirk was unmissable, even from the living room. "What'd you do? Sit here all night?"


"You're such a loser. Have you ever considered making friends?"

"Have you ever considered your mom?"

"Honey, don't make your mom jokes while I'm in the room," Mom sighed. "Ben, don't be mean to your sister."

"Yeah, Ben."

He not so slyly held up his middle finger, then made his way up the stairs.

Crisis averted. No one knew. Everything was fine.

I wondered how long it would be like that.

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