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My head was throbbing, and my body felt heavy as if I had been hit by a ton of bricks. Opening my eyes was a struggle, and the daylight pierced through them, intensifying my headache.

I groaned in pain, trying to figure out what could have caused this awful feeling. Memories of the previous day slowly resurfaced, and I couldn't recall anything out of the ordinary that could have triggered such a severe headache.

My room appeared to be swirling around me, and I desperately reached for a glass of water, hoping it would bring some relief to the throbbing sensation in my head. I reached out for my phone to check the time and hopefully make some sense of this shitty morning. When the screen lit up, I got hit with the harsh reality: it was already 10 am. I couldn't believe I had overslept by so much.

My head pounded with every scroll through the messages, and I quickly realized that the notifications turned out to be just regular stuff from apps. Nothing urgent or serious.

Trying to clear my head, I carefully sat up and took a few breaths, as the room seemed to stabilize. I set my phone aside and tried to gather my scattered thoughts. As the fog in my mind slowly lifted, I began to piece together the events of the previous evening. I recalled meeting some friends for dinner, but the rest was a blur. Ah yes, this extra glass of wine. Shit. Never again.

The headache was a relentless throb, pulsating through my temples with every heartbeat. It felt like tiny hammers were incessantly pounding on the inside of my skull. The pain seemed to spread to the back of my eyes, making them sensitive to the slightest light, and concentrating on anything became an arduous task as the discomfort intensified.

Slowly, I eased myself out of bed, careful not to make any sudden movements that might worsen my pounding headache. I tiptoed across the room, the floor cold against my feet. With each step, I felt the weight of exhaustion pulling her down. Reaching the bathroom, I squinted as the bright light flooded the room, aggravating my sensitive eyes. I leaned against the sink, trying to steady myself, and splashed cold water on my face, hoping it would provide some relief.

An instant shiver ran down my spine, awakening my senses. The refreshing chill brought a momentary distraction from the beating pain. The icy droplets cascaded down my cheeks, revitalizing me with a tingling sensation that briefly eased the discomfort.

I took a small towel and carefully dabbed my face, feeling the coolness of the fabric against my skin. Slowly, I looked up, meeting my own reflection in the mirror. As our eyes locked, a profound sadness washed over me, and a heavy weight settled in my heart.

In the reflection, I could see the toll that these overwhelming emotions had taken on me. The bags under my eyes and the weariness in my expression were evident of the sleepless nights spent lost in a sea of thoughts. I tried to hold myself together, but a tear began to trickle down my cheek. The past few days had been a relentless emotional rollercoaster, and it had left me feeling completely drained.

I took a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of composure amidst the turmoil. My mind was filled with a jumble of thoughts and doubts, and it felt like I was drowning in a deep ocean.

My mental state was in a very fragile condition. Each day was a struggle, and it seemed like I couldn't catch a break from the constant stress and challenges. I was finding it hard to cope with even the simplest tasks and felt like I was on the verge of breaking down.

Panic attacks were becoming more frequent, leaving my heart pounding and my thoughts scattered. The burden was becoming unbearable, and I could sense that I was losing control of my emotions. It was clear that I needed to reach out for support because I couldn't handle it all alone anymore.

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