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The sunshine bursted through the white curtains, casting a soft glow across the large bedroom in the early morning. I turned over, tugging on the covers to pull them over my shoulders. My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the sudden intrusion of the beams of light through the window. My alarm went off, and I immediately stuck a hand out of the warm comfort of the sheets to turn it off.

I grabbed the side of my forehead tightly, the pounding that was occurring in my head was just unbearable. I let out a loud groan, my hands now vehemently rubbing my temples. I could feel myself shaking from the pain that was rattling throughout my head.

Although I'd had multiple headaches in my life, this one was by far worse than anything I had experienced before. Having spent the whole night in pain I had hoped that I would be able to lose the hell I was experiencing if I was able to go to sleep. A good night sleep was usually helpful when it came to solving any issues, but by the time I had laid in bed I was finding it impossible to fall into a sound sleep.

With a sigh, I cautiously sat up on the mattress, my hands still rubbing at my temples. Shit, it hurts so bad. As soon as I got out of the bed, I immediately took a paracetamol and downed the glass of water which was placed on the nightstand. I headed to the bathroom, wrapping my arms around my cold half naked body in attempt to warm myself up.

I roamed around the room, pulled my hair into a pony, and did every thing in my power to avoid the mirror. But in the end, it was useless. It was useless, but I still believed I wasn't ready to see me in such a state. A mirror couldn't hurt me, but it could break my heart once again; making me realize how awful I looked. I knew deep down it was the mirror I was scared of. When I finally found the strength to gaze at my own reflection, my heart dropped into my stomach. I looked at myself. A small gasp fell from my lips when my eyes trailed across my features and my body.

The ugly shadow of a scar hovering on my right arm. My hair a mess from the late night of tossing and turning. The dark bags that made me look like a zombie. I was anything but pretty. I was anything but beautiful. I was ugly. Actually, awful was the right word. I was awful. I was horrible. I was hideous.

Dhairya was right. He was so right. Not a tight pinch, not a stabbing sensation, the sorrow now turned into a burning pain. My heart was shattered. I felt pity for myself. I felt like a damn mess. I felt helpless over my life at the point.

My mind replayed every single scene that had happened last night; our huge argument at the party, the fight that had nearly broken out between Aditya and Dhairya, and his violent behaviour towards me back home. My eyes mechanically shut at the memory of him banging on the door like a maniac and threatening to hit me.

I was lost, completely lost, but one thing was for sure, it had to stop. This situation needed to stop. Our relationship had to end. Right now. It was hard to say, but the terrible mess that had happened last night made me realize the seriousness of the situation, how bad things got, how Dhairya's behaviour was not acceptable and could never be tolerable. He was aggressive, violent, mean, sexist and the list went on.

This man was toxic, and it was killing me inside to have taken so long to realize this fact after two years of nightmarish relationship. I felt utterly stupid, and it even pushed me to wonder myself about my own personality. Maybe I'm a little bit like him if I've been sticking with him for so long?

Our two years relationship could be summed up in three words: violence, cries and fights. And, I felt ashamed for have allowed him to treat me so badly. After the first insult, I should have left him, but I didn't. After the first threat, I should have run away, but I didn't. Seeing his violent nature, I should have ended everything, but I didn't.

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