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The alarm of my phone sang, signalling the transition from sleepy dreams to wakeful happenings. Damn, it was probably 6 o'clock. I attempted to open my eyes but the sun blinded me. I had been dreaming of some kind of warmth, like a beach or a summer house, I didn't exactly remember. But whatever it was, it made sense considering I was sleeping right under the sun. It was so bright through the curtains, and I decided to turn over away from it so I could actually see.

Swiftly, my eyes landed on the other side of the bed which was bare. I frowned confusingly, not really getting what actually happened last night. Varun had spent the night at my home, right? Right. I was at my home, right? Right. We had fallen asleep in the couch, right? Right. So, why did I wake up in my bed this morning? Did Varun already leave without telling me?

I deeply sighed and got up, sleep still blinding my eyes. I quickly checked the bathroom, the living room and everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. He clearly left. How sweet of him. There was not even a note, nothing at all.

I laughed at my naive stupidity, how could I think there had been something real intense and different between us last night? He was just utterly sad and needed some comforting after his break up with Natasha. He didn't think a single word he had said. He was lost and found comfort in my arms the time of night. Shit, how could I think that we were growing more than friends?

I felt down a heavy pang in my chest, making me wincing a little. I felt so so stupid. I took the long walk of shame back up to the bathroom, hoping he was probably pranking me again. But, no, it was indeed real, Varun had slipped out of here early in the morning like a thief. I couldn't even look at me through the mirror, shame was eating me up. I was stupid, so stupid.

I didn't want to see my face in that mirror, I turned around, my back leaning against the washbasin. I gripped my t-shirt in one hand, pain making my whole body shaking as tears threatened to fall on my cheeks. Why am I so stupid? We are best friends, why did I think we could become more than just that? He is still in love with Natasha, he doesn't give a fuck about me. I unlocked my phone to see no text from him, not even a little word, he clearly played me.

"I feel so good with you". Bullshit.

"Your eyes really intimate me". Bullshit.

"I can't be away from you". Bullshit.

Everything that came out of his mouth was bullshit. I can't believe I fell for that. The frustration took over me and I slammed the washbasin in irritation. At the exact same time, my feelings towards him was growing more and more intense, he played me that way.

Thoughts of fear began to consume me as I wondered if he would ever talk to me again after the words I had told him last night. I felt so ashamed, maybe I shouldn't have said that? Maybe I should have shut my mouth for once? I wondered if we would eventually be the same way we used to be after what happened yesterday night.

I wondered if he got scared after I had kind of confessed my feelings to him. I was maybe overthinking but I couldn't help, my mind was full of unnecessary thoughts. I'm sure he is still madly in love with Natasha. There won't be anything more than friendship. Forget him, Alia.

All of a sudden, my phone went off, catching my attention. Varun. My heart was about to jump out of my chest, my shaking hands grabbed the device. I checked the new text I had just received from him.

Varun :

Hey, sorry I didn't have time to tell you gbye earlier, I left in a hurry. I'm gonna call you when I wrap the shoot.

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