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It was the light streaming in through the huge bay window that woke me up. I felt so completely at peace, so completely relaxed, the atmosphere I was in creating the perfect ambiance for a perfect morning. That was, until my head started pounding hard. I groaned frustratedly, my head felt like someone hit it with a hammer. Shit, drinking that much isn't good at all.

I opened my eyes and looked around, scanning the whole bedroom. My clothes were hung on a hanger in his dressing prominently. Flashbacks of last night rushed into my mind. I bit my lip at the thought of that crazy night.

I still couldn't realize what had happened between us, things had been so fast. This nightcap turned into a whole sex night. I closed my eyes in attempt to stop thinking about that, but it got worse. His lips on mine. His Greek God body. His whispers in my ears. His caresses.

Varun and I had sex last night, but I felt like it was no good at all. It didn't feel right at all. Something in my mind was telling me continuously that this affair wasn't going to go anywhere.

I knew he still had Natasha in his mind and couldn't stop loving her in a snap. I knew this night didn't mean anything to him, it was just a one night stand. I knew he was still madly in love with Natasha, not me. He just kind of used me to forget her.

I was his rebound relationship, he ran in my arms whenever he needed comfort or sex, but I didn't want to be this for him. I really wanted to be his girlfriend and start a new healthy and meaningful relationship.

I didn't want to get into something with him if he wasn't ready to forget Natasha, because it was me who would get hurting at the end of the day. I felt like a fool. He was playing me.

As I stretched my body, I realized the after-sex ache in my whole body was real. God, it hurts so bad. My crotch was aching as hell, I couldn't even move my legs. Bringing my hand down under the sheets, I realized I was only in my underwear.

I turned my head towards Varun who was still sleeping next to me. My eyes darted over to his bare back facing me. His bulky arms were gripping the white sheets tightly, I quickly looked away as I felt my body starting getting hot again.

I slowly got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, I wanted to take a lukewarm shower to wash the smell of him off me. I took my time soaping my aching body, noticing a few tiny little bruises that Varun had left behind.

My hands travelled to my lips, they felt also bruised from the roughness of his kisses. The sex had been ... I couldn't even describe it. I got lost in daydream, remembering the way he touched me.

Alia, stop that bullshit. I looked at me through the mirror, as this sentence resonated in my mind. You need to forget him. I needed to forget him. He was no good for me, playing me and sexing me but never loving me.

I knew how much he loved Natasha. I had always seen the way he looked at her with so much intensity. He had done everything for her. He will never love you as much he love her, Alia.

Stop it.

Just stop.

You're going to drive yourself crazy.

I had known exactly what I was getting myself into. A one night stand. Neither of us had said we wanted or expected anything more. Yes, what did I expect from Varun Dhawan? A nice cosy breakfast then a lovey-dovey relationship?

I couldn't believe I gave myself to him last night so easily, so stupidly, without even reflecting. I was pissed at myself for being so easy. For letting him doing me and thinking I would be his bum shot.

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