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"Minho! Minho! Minho!" Chan ran to the now scared boy. He seriously gets scared easily. "What happened?" Minho asked, confused by Chan's big smile. "She said yes! So that means you and your mom can come over. You're welcome to bring your dad if you like."

Minho gave an awkward grin, "Um, I mean sure but...I don't have a dad." Chan frowned, "Oh I'm sorry for bringing it up." Minho then genuinely smiled, "Don't be sorry Channie! I may not have a dad, but I do have another mom!" Chan looked up at Minho with confusion written on his face.

"You have another mom?" Chan was really shocked. He has never seen someone loving another person with the same gender. His parents didn't really talk to him about that. Not bad, nor good. They didn't even mention it in front of the small boy. So this new information obviously surprised Chan.

"Of course I do! My mothers always tell me that love is love and that it doesn't matter what gender. As long as you love that person with all their heart. My mama told me she didn't think about liking another girl until she met mom. Mom said the same thing about her."

(Just to clear it off, Minho was born with a mom and a dad, but they divorced when the boy was 4. When he was around 6, his birth mother, or should I say "mom" fell in love with his "mama" and was welcomed to the family ever since.)

Chan started at Minho with awe. It sounded like a sweet story to hear. He didn't felt disgusted or anything. He found it as a beautiful thing. Chan then frowned a bit. How would my parents react if I liked another boy? Do I even like boys? Nah, I like girls, they're pretty.

"That's a nice story. Anyways, do you feel like swimming?" Chan requested. Minho's eyes widened a bit. "I don't have extra clothes and I don't feel like getting my butt whooped by mom." Chan nodded his head in understanding. He then remembered something he brought.

"Are you hungry then? I brought pop tarts!" Minho looked at his bag, then to Chan and back to the bag. "What flavor?" The male asked with a tint of seriousness. "Blueberry and s'mores," he replied as he pulled out the pop tarts. He looked up at Minho for a response and was met with a face of disappointment. "Channie, I love you and all but...you have a bad taste on pop tarts. Strawberry is better."

Chan laughed at the younger, "You say I have back taste but yours truly sucks." Minho then frowned and stood up, "Originals are always better. You need better taste buds." Chan was shocked at the statement but he is the type of person who doesn't like losing a debate. "Clearly, you, Lee Minho, have never had blueberry pop tarts, especially s'mores." "Pfft, I have! The blueberry ones are just the bitter version of strawberry and the s'mores taste like burned bread."

Chan soon stood up as well and looked at Minho straight in the eye. "You're the one who has horrible taste buds. Why don't you go tell you mommies to fix that taste of yours because you definitely don't have one!"

Minho looked at Chan in shock. He suddenly felt judged, then again, he did start this argument. Tears started forming in his eyes. Chan's hard hard gaze soon turned soft once he saw the boy's glossy eyes. He knew he messed up already. He frowned and then hugged the boy tightly, "I'm sorry Minnie, please don't cry. I didn't know that this stupid debate will turn serious."

Minho grabbed Chan by the shoulders and pushed him a bit to look at eyes, "No Channie. I'm the one who's sorry. I started it. Please don't apologize or else I'll be sad." Chan let out a smile, which caused Minho to return it. Minho giggled when Chan started peppering him with small kisses over his forehead, nose, and cheeks.

Those boys loved each other but they were too young to know what they're feeling. Let's just say this is the start of childhood love.

(Idek what I wrote...imma just leave ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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