Deep in the Woods

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"Mom, I'm going to play outside!" the 13-year-old boy said. The said woman turned to her son and gave him a strict look.

"Remember not to go deep in the woods. Got it, Chan? I don't want you to get lost." Chan gave his mom a reassuring smile. He grabbed his flashlight and a couple of snacks just in case. The boy always loved to go outside. He really admired nature and would treasure every beautiful thing that he found. For example, he had kept a rock that shined like a pearl. For people, it would be an ordinary rock. But for him, it was like the most precious thing on earth.

Chan was glad that it was sunny outside. His plan was to look for random stuff and come back at 5 o'clock for dinner.

Today is kind of special. His mom always says to never go deep in the forest near his house. He really wanted to know if there are more new things. So today is the day he found out.

He was looking through the forest for a few hours and he really hasn't found anything interesting yet. He started to panic when he realized that this place was unfamiliar. "Oh my god, I'm so dead," he muttered under his breath.

He tried to find his way back home until he tumbled down a small hill.

"Ow, my knee," Chan poured a bit. He couldn't believe his eyes once he looked up.

There is a beautiful clear blue lake with small different type of fishes in there. The bright green grass was very pretty too. He noticed the forest surrounded the area. Someone can go on a picnic here and enjoy the nice weather. He then heard small footsteps not too far from him.

He panicked again and hid behind a bush. He lifted his head up to see who it was. He saw a brown-haired boy that looked around his age. He also saw a small gray kitten approaching the other male.

"Hey sweetie, have you eaten yet?" the boy spoke to the kitten as he crouched down. The kitten placed its paw on the boy's leg as he took out some cat food. The boy giggled as he watched the cat eat.

Chan fell in awe as he watched the entire scene. He snapped back to reality once he noticed it was getting dark.

He was so dead...

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