Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jungkook walked through the front door of his home, throwing his keys down on the table beside the front door, dropping his bag as he shut the door behind him. The loud thump echoed through the apartment, his mother hearing it and peeking her head around the kitchen doorframe, her eyebrows knitting as she watched her son make his way to the stairs.

"What're you doing home? It's only noon," his mother stated as she folded her arms over her chest, walking up to him confusedly. His school didn't let out until three hours later, and Jungkook never text her and asked if he could leave early or say he was leaving early.

Jungkook froze, his hand on the rail, eyes widening a little as he slowly looked over and seen his mother walking up to him. "I, uh... I had to meet someone at the hospital," he replied, his voice shaky and husky from crying, and it was strained a little as he tried to keep his emotions under control, but seeing Taehyung like that hurt him, and he hated seeing him like that.

"Are they okay? What happened?"

Jungkook flashed her a sad smile as he shook his head a little, not in the mood to talk about anything that happened since this morning. "It's nothing. They're fine. Just had a little accident, I suppose," he responded before he started to slowly climb the stairs, not even caring his bag was right in front of the doorway, and he knew he would get scolded about it later, but right now, he didn't care.

"Jungkook, first of all, pick up your bag," she demanded sternly, pointing to the bag in the middle of the floor in front of the door, her eyes and voice stern, causing Jungkook to do what he was told, "And second of all, what's the matter with you? You've been acting really weird for the past two weeks or so. What's going on? Does it have something to do with this person who's in the hospital?"

"No, it's because I'm fucking stupid and keep fucking things up," Jungkook mumbled, bending down and picking up his bag by its strap, slinging it over his shoulder before turning around and facing his mother. She looked at him with the same confused expression, leaning against the railing of the stairs with crossed arms in front of her chest.

"That's not surprising."

"Thanks, mom. I really needed to hear that right now," Jungkook retorted sarcastically as he began to make his way to the stairs again, and all his mother could do was chuckle and reach a hand out to stop him from leaving. "Mom, I'm really tired, had a shit day, and would like to go to my room and take a much needed nap right now, please."

"I want to know what's going on with you," she stated matter of factly as she pulled Jungkook with her to the kitchen, soon going back to making herself some lunch, being sure to make extra for the raven-haired boy who's been pouty and acting weird for a while now.

"Mom, please, I'm not in the mood."

"Fine, we don't have to talk about anything, but you're eating something since you didn't have lunch at school," she spoke, the kitchen falling silent as she made Jungkook his favorite noodle, soon placing the bowl in front of him and going to the refrigerator and grabbing him some banana milk, handing it to the boy.

They both sat down at the kitchen table, silence filling the atmosphere around them as they began to eat. However, jungkook didn't feel like eating anything. He just wanted to go to his room and forget this day ever happened. He wanted to forget Taehyung was even a small part of his life. He wanted to forget the brunette boy hated him, and he wanted to forget of all the things he's ever done to the younger. He just wanted to forget.

"I had a friend try to commit suicide for the fourth time," he mumbled, looking down at the bowl of noodles, moving his chopsticks around and playing with them absentmindedly, not even looking up at his mother who had stopped eating and looked at her son with worried-filled features, "The doctor said he would make a full recovery."

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