Chapter Twenty-Four

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Violent scene/content below! If you're uncomfortable with that please skip this chapter!

If you're comfortable with that then please enjoy! 💜


"Excuse me?" His voice held so much venom, and at this point, Taehyung wondered if the man was even aware of what was happening right now, because he reeked of alcohol, and he was chugging the vodka bottle in his hand like there was no tomorrow. He wondered if he was even aware of their conversation, the remarks, the crude comments, the deathly glares, the snobby looks, the cigarette he had stomped on the floor to put out. He wondered if his father was even there.

"You're my dad. Love shouldn't be earned."

His father took a step closer to his son, the harsh smell of alcohol invading his nostrils, causing him to act on impulse and cover his nose with his sweater-paw. He cringed when his father's breath was a mix of cigarette smoke and vodka at the same time, making him want to turn his head away so he didn't have to smell the awful stench, the smell giving him a headache from how strong it was.

He did take a small step back, though, much to his father's dislike as he roughly grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him forward, so their faces were only inches apart. Taehyung subconsciously gasped at the sudden contact and force, his eyes widening in fear when he was met with his father's stone cold eyes and horrible breath, his body instantly stiffening from the close proximity.

"And what did you know about love, huh?" His father questioned-more like interrogated the poor boy-his body beginning to shake violently from the venom laced within his words, his sweater-paw covering his mouth, his bottom lips trembling as his eyes burned with freshly hot tears, trying his best to contain his emotions, but he felt like he was going to burst at any minute. "You don't know a fucking thing when I comes to love."

"I know it's not this," Taehyung shot back with so much force it took him by surprise a little, never knowing he could be this strong when he needed to be, but it terrified him when his father's grip on his wrist only tightened, his jaw clenching in frustration with the brunette boy, but Taehyung knew he was speaking the truth, although he didn't know a single thing about what love truly was.

However, he did know that this wasn't it. This wasn't what love was, and that it never will be this. He knew love was something that was to be cherished, something that made you feel genuinely happy on the inside instead of having the feeling of wanting to die all the time. He knew it was supposed to be the best feeling in the whole world, something that was rare in most cases, whether if it were from parents or from a partner.

But what his parents were showing him was everything else but love. This wasn't what love was supposed to feel like, nor look like. When he saw his parents, he saw nothing but pure hatred for their son and for the world. He didn't and still doesn't understand what made them this way, but whatever it was, he assumed it was because their parents were just as bad as them, if not worse.

What they were showing him was nothing but pure hatred and abuse for the brunette boy. This was showing him that hate was okay in this world, and it was okay to physically show it to those you don't like. He knew violence never solved anything, and he was scared to even try it because he didn't want to become his parents in any way, shape, or form.

He didn't have anger within him at all. He was just always terrified of the world and the people it came with. He was scared of what was going to happen to him at school, and what was going to happen to him at home. Both environments were traumatizing for Taehyung, and he hated both places with so much passion it sickened him because he was afraid he was slowly turning into his parents.

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