Chapter Fourteen

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"Fucking Park!" Yoongi groaned loudly into the crowd of people when the other team scored, yet, another touchdown. The crowd cheering for their school was booing the opposing team, while Jungkook was still missing and under the bleachers. Taehyung watched as he and Hoseok held hands due to suspense when they seen one of their school player's holding the ball and making a run for the end zone to score a touchdown.

As much as they hated to admit it, they were having a little bit of fun since the game has turned and Jungkook was no longer playing. It wasn't because Jungkook was bad, it was because Bogum was bad and the fact that he was ruining their chances to win the game. The whole school knew how bad Bogum was, Taehyung just never believed it because he's never seen the man play the game before, and as of today, he was proven just how those rumors were true-the rumors that dared not to go back to Bogum.

The man was always getting tackled or dropping the ball. Everyone said he was doing it to stall until the timer ran out, but with every tackle, with every time the ball was passed to the opposing team, with every time the opposing team caught the ball when it was being thrown-really proved to the four males that Bogum was just a terrible player, and the reason why h was even on the team was because they needed someone who could take over if their star quarterback ever got injured.

Jungkook just so happened to be their star quarterback and he just so happened to get injured on the day of their big game. This worried the school and the crowd, wishing their quarterback wasn't injured and well enough to play on and continue with the game, but since no one has even seen the man come out and back on the field-or even the bench-they knew the injury had to have been worse that what they assumed.

The points were neck-and-neck, almost tying, and if the opposing team makes another touchdown, they would definitely take the lead, and the win home with them. They prayed Bogum and the team would get their heads out of their asses and finally play the game with all of their might, but it seemed as if Bogum wasn't giving his one-hundred-and-ten percent at all, and it seemed to have been aggravating the other players as well.

Hoseok's hands eventually moved to Taehyung's shoulders, gripping them tightly due to anticipation and anxiousness, eyes round as the small brunette boy gripped the other's knee firmly, their gazes glued to the field. Taehyung could hear Yoongi mumbling a string of curse words under his breath as they watched the game play on, hearing him curse loudly when Bogum was tackled yet again.

"I swear to God, if he drops that goddamned ball one more ti-" Yoongi was stopped when Jimin reached over and covered his mouth with his small hand, looking at him as he shook his head in disapproval, causing the older male to roll his eyes and go back to watching the game. The crowd was louder this time now that Bogum was out on the field, and it wasn't because they were fans, either, more like they were telling him to stop playing and get Jungkook back out there so they could be the one's winning again.

Taehyung pulled out his phone, scrolling through his messages until he found Jungkook's contact, clicking on it and sending him a quick text before pocketing the device back into his pocket and returning his attention to the game. There was finally three minutes remaining on the timer, their school finally making another touchdown before the buzzer went off, signaling the game was now over and BigHit High School had taken home another win for themselves.

The crowd finally cheered, this time, because of the win and the fact they were able to pull through. The four males let out a puff of air in relief, smiling as they continued to sit on the bleachers, waiting for the place to clear out before they headed home, none of them wanting to lose Hoseok in a crowd again. Once the crowd had thinned, the group of males decided to make their way to the exit, all of them ready to go home and go to bed.

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