Chapter Ten

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Taehyung entered the large school building just as it started pouring down rain. He was a little wet but not drenched, which he was grateful for. For the first time in a long time, he had a smile on his face-a genuine smile on his face as he walked through the front doors. Jungkook had been walking home with him for the past two weeks now, and Bogum hadn't made any efforts to come near him as long as Jungkook was around.

For once, he actually felt safe around someone, and not only just his friends. Bogum and his jock buddies have left him alone, allowing Taehyung to enter the school building peacefully and grab his things without a fight breaking out. He was grateful Jungkook was around, helping him and meeting him by his locker every morning as he gathered his things for his classes.

He didn't know why Jungkook was being so nice to him, despite the male telling him two weeks ago, he just still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that a jock was standing up for him and practically protecting him from everyone else at the school. He liked it and definitely wasn't going to take him for granted, because he appreciated everything Jungkook was doing for him.

He was no longer getting picked on, and he could come to school without the fear of getting beat on by his bullies. His nights at home haven't changed, however, but that was to be expected. He didn't expect his school days to change, though. He expected them to remain the same; come to school, meet Bogum by his locker, get hit and punched and kicked a few times, then go to his first class.

He walked until he was met with the familiar hallway his locker was down, seeing no one was waiting by his locker. He felt his heart drop a little knowing Jungkook wasn't there, but felt relieved Bogum was no where in sight. He shrugged it off as he made his way down the hallway, putting in his combination and opening his locker only for it to be slammed shut. He flinched from the sudden noise, looking at the hand as his eyes slowly followed and trailed their way up the arm, his eyes soon landing on an all too familiar face.

He sighed and felt his body relax when he realized t was just Jungkook, his hand resting over his chest as he tried to calm his nerves. "You scared the shit out of me," Taehyung sighed as he felt his heart pounding against his hand, hearing the boy beside him chuckle lightly. "Don't ever do that again."

"Sorry, I saw you coming in and I tried grabbing your attention, but I guess you didn't hear or see me, so I followed you," Jungkook said with a smile as he leaned against the lockers with his hands in his jeans pocket. Taehyung looked over with a small smile before putting the combination in his locker once again, trying to suppress his giggles.

"Sorry, yeah, I didn't see or hear you," Taehyung replied with a sheepish smile, eyes looking away from Jungkook's as he opened the door and began gathering his things for his first class. He felt the raven-haired boy's eyes on him, feeling his gaze burning the side of his head, causing him to bite the inside of his cheek, feeling a little small under his intense stare. "You're staring."

Jungkook shook his head as if he were trying to rid of his thoughts, chuckling lightly as he nodded, "Sorry, just zoned out there for a second, I guess." Taehyung looked over as he grabbed a book, smiling before stuffing the large textbook in his bag. "Did you ever get home safe yesterday?"

Taehyung has forgotten Jungkook didn't walk home with him the day before, but nonetheless nodded as he flashed him a small boxy smile as he closed the door to his metal locker. "Yeah, actually, it was kind of boring walking alone," he answered, seeing Jungkook nod a little as guilt flashed through his eyes.

"Yeah, sorry about that, it's just," he paused, looking around the hall as people passed by, staring at the pair, and Taehyung noticed the weird looks they were getting, making him feel uncomfortable because he knew those looks. "Bogum was giving me shit yesterday during practice and I was trying to get out of there, but he just wouldn't let me. You know how he is."

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