Chapter Thirteen

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Tonight was the night of Jungkook's game-the game Taehyung promised him he would go to. Jimin has already said he would go, and so did Hoseok, but it took a lot of convincing to get Yoongi to agree and tag along with them. He claimed he was only going because he had nothing else better to do, but Jimin thinks it's because he was only going because he wanted to be a supportive best friend to Taehyung.

Either way, Taehyung was just glad he was going.

When they arrived, the stadium was packed and they were there thirty minutes early so they could find good seats. Taehyung looked around with big eyes, wishing he had a hoodie to pull over his head-as if it were someway to block himself from the large crowd of people and block out the whole entire world. The bright lights made him feel like a spotlight was on him and him only, making him much more visible to the world and crowd of people, and he hated it.

He felt like everyone could watch him now, and much more clearer. That's why he didn't like wearing color anywhere. His clothes were always either black, grey, or white, and never a bright, crazy color like pink, purple, or orange. He felt too noticeable if he wore bright colors and he didn't if he wore dark ones. So that's why he always stuck to wearing the same dark grey hoodie, and black joggers or blue distressed skinny jeans.

He looked around the rather large stadium as he and his three best friends walked through the front gate, after giving the nice lady their tickets so they could enter and watch the game. There were concession stands lined up, each one consisting of the same things: food, snacks, and drinks. People were already lined up to them, paying the people behind the counter for their food and drinks with large smiles on their faces, before walking away and to their seats, or to find one of their own.

There were large and bright lights all over the place, mainly pointing directly at the football field where the players would eventually be to start their game. He looked around to see if he saw anybody who looked familiar or went to their school, only finding a few people he knew of and the rest consisted of teachers and other adults, to which Taehyung assumed were just parents and or family members of the players.

He remembered how Jungkook had told him to look for him as soon as he got there if he were to arrive early. He looked around to see if he could find that certain bunny boy within the crowd, but he really couldn't see anything passed any of the swarm of people. He did see some other jocks that had attended to the game, but he couldn't find Jungkook at all within the crowd, and he was disappointed, too.

That was until he felt a sudden par of warm arms wrap around his waist from behind and a hard chest pressed against his back as he was lifted off his feet. Taehyung's heart plummeted to the pit of his stomach as his body tensed, taken by surprise at the sudden hug and not longer being able to touch the ground, before he was gently placed back down on his feet, but the arms still remained wrapped around him.

The small brunette boy turned his neck to see Jungkook hugging him tightly with a wide bunny-like smile plastering his beautiful thin lips. His body instantly relaxed after seeing who was touching him, causing him to flash the older male a boxy grin his way as he leaned back a little in the other's warm and comforting touch. Jungkook rested his chin on the younger's shoulder, looking into his deep brown eyes with his soft ones, "You came."

Taehyung chuckled lightly as he gave the man a small nod of his head, his hands resting on the pair of arms wrapped around his waist. "I told you I would. I even promised," he replied, earning a nod from the other and a small bunny smile. "Look, I even brought friends with me," he added as he pointed a finger to his friends, who were watching the pair with small smiles-more like Hoseok watching them with a small and fond smile, as Jimin and Yoongi still gave him that same uninterested expression.

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