October #15 #HALLOWPARTY

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In the afternoon with my friends, we were just hanging out in the hallways and getting out stuff to go back home. While i was looking in the school board in the wall, i saw a poster of an Halloween Party in the gym next Friday Night.

Nick: Jacob, are you coming???

Jacob: Guys, before we get out of this school, check this out, i saw a poster that we have an Halloween Party in the gym next Friday Night. Also we will have these activities.

Nash: Cool! Also we need costumes??

Cameron: Oh right! Well we can buy it at the Weekend. Like in Sathurday.

Connor: Can we go back home?? or somewhere else. We can talk about this later gosh.

Shawn: Yeah, we have time to buy one single costume at the mall! How else might happend. Let's go already!

With Siren & Friends at the Mall..

Abby: Hmm, witch costume i should wear, The Ariana Grande Costume or an Cat.

Charlie: You should take the Ariana one. By the way, i was about pick that cat costume because it looks cute and it's soo furry when you touch it.

Abby: Okay! Try it on Charlie.

Charlie: Okay! I will try it on. *goes to changing room*

Siren: What do you think of my Warrior Costume

Heather: O my god, This looks soo cool. Also it might need some boots to match your costume. Anyways, you should a selfie and post it on Twitter and Instagram.

Siren: Can i put it on Facebook??

Heather: Naw! Facebook is too boring. Like almost nobody use Facebook anymore but the old days yeah.

Siren: Okay, i should understand that, anyways, i gotta do my halloween selfie with my new costume.

Christina: Go ahead Siren, i am a Cat for halloween. With my long fluffy tail, my sparkly ears and plus with the makeup

Jessie: Guys, look it mine, i am geanie for halloween. Nice huh?

Siren: Yeah! It's a good costume for good, anyways let's go pay that costume before Halloween.

While Siren and her friends pay there costume from the Halloween Store, they been shopping to others store, just to see if something in the store. The girls found lots of outfits & some shit in the bags.

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