September #15 Additions & The Fame

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In the basement floor:

Jacob: *writes awesome song that is 1 top hits* Guys! No time for video games, we got practice for the addition and we gotta be famous, but i am already famous as a football captain of the team.

Nick: Urgh! I forgot to do my schedule on my phone yesthurday. But thanks for reminding us Jacob.

While the doorbell of the door rings.

Shane: Will get that fucking door! We're coming to open that door!

Shane: *opens door* Heyy Friends of Siren.

Heather: Heyy Shane! Is Siren here in the house??

Shane: I don't know, will ask Jacob downstairs okay?

Shane: Jacob! is Siren here at the house??? Her friends is here.

Jacob: She at her bedroom. Anyways what they doing here?

Shane: They are here for practice there talents at your sister's bedroom. Anyways, i gotta go tell them.

Shane: Girls! She at her bedroom.

Abby: Thanks Shane!

Shane: No Problemo. I am just doing my fucking things.

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