𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 16 - 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗁

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I woke up in a hospital bed. I remembered passing out, but why was I in the hospital? I looked around the room for someone to ask what the hell was going on. Finally, my mom walked into the room.

"Oh honey, you're awake."

"Uh yeah, why am I here?"

"Jorge, you haven't been eating. Plus you were dehydrated, that's why you passed out. We had to bring you here so you could get something into your system."

"Ugh mom I'm fine. Can I just go home." As I started to sit up I noticed the pull on my arm from the iv stuck in my arm. I felt something on my stomach as well. What was that?

"No, you have to be here for the next week."

"What? Are you kidding me, I have to be in here for a whole week?"

"Well as long as you start eating, then possibly five days, the doctor said."

"Fuck" I said laying back down. I felt down my stomach to feel a tube, attached to me??

"What is this? Why is it attached to me?"

"It's a feeding tube. The iv in your arm is for water."

"They know I can eat myself right?"

"Yes, but they don't know that you will."

I huffed and rubbed my temples. I needed to tell my friends so they wouldn't get worried. Oh god. I started to recall the events with Xowie. How is anything going to work out if I'm stuck in this goddamn hospital? Shit.

"Jorge, I'm worried about you. You were doing so well.."

"So well with what?" I snapped. I was mad. And mad was an understatement.

"Your eating.. your arms.."

"I'm fine! Please can we not discuss this?"

"We need to talk about it. I've taken your phone. I think it will help to clear your mind while you're here."

"Seriously? How will I even- whatever." I slammed a pillow onto my face. I needed to be alone. At least from her.

I heard her sigh and leave the room.

I pulled the pillow away and sighed. How did she expect me to get through a whole week, or even five days, if I can't even talk to my friends? They have no idea what's happening right now. I really wished I could just text Benji. He would know exactly what to say. And he would be here for me. I drifted off again, thinking of Benji.


Omg I know this was short shush. I'm sorry. 🥺. BUT I'm updating again tonight so too bad.
Love y'all.

Bye luvss <33

Word count: 435

January 29, 2020.

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