𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 10 - 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗒 (𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖮𝗇𝖾)

256 18 7

Benji was going to be at my house in five minutes and I still didn't know what to wear. I went through my closet several times trying to find something. Eventually I settled with a simple pair of jeans with converse and a tight white crop top.

I fixed my hair slightly and added a bit of blush and eyeliner to top everything off. After I was ready I told my mom I was leaving and headed out of the house to wait for Benji.

He arrived and rolled down the window.

"Hey stranger. Need a ride?" I rolled my eyes and smiled as I began to walk to the car. Once I was in he began driving.

"So where is Addy's house anyway?"

"Just up on the hill. It'll only take like three minutes to get there."

"Okay.. will you promise to stay with me the whole time? I don't wanna be alone.."

"Of course, I'll be there to take care of  you the whole time." He smiled at me and averted his eyes back to the road. I grinned and we arrived shortly after.

Benji stepped out of the car after putting it in park. I stayed inside and took a few deep breaths. I hope I don't regret coming tonight. I close my eyes hard and put my face in my hands. I heard the door open right after. Benji stood there holding the door open.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. Let's go." He held out his hand. I took it and he lead me into the house.

The music wasn't very loud, and it looked like not many people had arrived yet. He brought me into the kitchen where Addy, Kat, and Noen all stood.

"Hey guys, this is Jorge, if you don't know him." I smiled at at Kat awkwardly, and she awkwardly smiled back, giving a small wave.

"Hi Jorge! I'm Noen"

"I'm so happy to meet you Jorge!" Addy said cheerfully, stepping in and giving me a big hug. I hugged back for a moment before we pulled away. She squealed and continued to set up beverages on the counter, while Noen and Kat organized all sorts of snacks.

Benji pulled me outside to the backyard, I followed him obediently. He brought me to a little place with a nice padded kind of carpeting in the corner of the backyard. The backyard itself was very big, and included a pool, hot tub, and a canopy with a cute little living room space and a mini kitchen and grill under it. We sat down on the area next to each other.

"So, tell me about yourself Jorge. We've never really gotten the chance to go into detail about anything."

"What about myself? I don't know where to start.." he slightly giggled.

"Well, just tell me.. anything.. everything.."

"Hm." I thought for a moment.

"My mom is a writer. I have four siblings,I have lived here my whole life, I'm fluent in both Spanish and English.." I tried to come up with other details about myself.

"Really? Me too! What about your dad? What does he do?" I thought for a moment on what to say. I always hated admitting this to people. They always stressed the whole thing and felt sorry for me, and I hated it.

"He was a surgeons tech, a drywall repair guy, his family owned a boxing company-"

"Was? Owned?"

"My dad is dead."

"Oh- I-"

"Don't pity me. I hate when people do that."

He shook his head slowly. He scooted closer to me, and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back. Somehow he knew this was exactly what I needed. Actions really did speak so much louder than words.

We sat for a few minutes, just hugging. I kept my face in Benji's neck. It felt so good to know he cared. Finally, we pulled away.

"Now, you tell me some things about yourself Benji."

"Okay. Hm. I was born in Brazil but we moved to Canada when I was really young, and I spent most of my childhood there, then we moved to Switzerland for a couple years, and then we ended up in Spain. I had lived there for a while, but I moved here like 2 weeks ago. I have two dogs, I'm bisexual.. I can't think of anything else."

"Oh wow. You've lived a lot of places. And I'm gay."

"Cool, I'm glad we know all these random details about each other now." We started laughing.

"Hey Benji, Jorge, you wanna go play some games with us upstairs?!" Addy yelled out at us from the back door.

"Do you want to Jorge?"

"Sure I guess"

"Yeah sure Addy." Benji yelled back to her. He gripped my hand softly once again and lead me inside, following Addy through her mansion-like house, to the private living room upstairs.

Up there sat Noen, Kat, Avani, Cayman, Abby, Antonio, Joey, and a few other people I had seen around school. They were all sitting in a circle, chit chatting in little groups. When they noticed us walk in they made room for me and Benji to sit next to each other, an Addy went to sit next to Cayman.

"Okay, Truth or dare anyone?" Addy questioned. Everyone responded with a nod of the head or a simple yes, and the game began.

A few people had turns, and now it was Avani turn. She looked around for a victim, and stopped at Benji, a devilish look in her eyes.

"Benji, truth or dare?"

"Dare. I'm not a pussy."

"Okay.." she glanced from Benji to me, and back to Benji a few times before appearing to have made up her mind.

"I dare you to kiss Jorge." She smiled, knowing she had at least embarrassed one of us.

"Okay!" Benji said without any hesitation. I felt my face go bright red, and I glanced at Benji with wide eyes. Oh god.

He leant in and kissed my cheek for a moment or two, before smirking back to Avani. Avani looked like she couldn't believe her eyes.

"I-" Benji cut her off.

"You never said I had to kiss him on the lips so" he shrugged his shoulders and continued smirking. Avani rolled her eyes dramatically and crossed her arms, clearly annoyed. Benji nudged my arm, we giggled, and the game continued.


I didn't know where to cut this off cause it would've been SO long if I finished the party scene here. Anyways I'm so friCking tired and I WILL finish tomorrow cause it's 2 am 😔✨✌️

But I love you all and thank you for 400 reads 🥺🥺

Bye luvs <3

Word count: 1121

January 21, 2020

the stars on our hearts -  𝖺  𝖻𝖾𝗇𝗃𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒Where stories live. Discover now