Chapter 27:

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Shoot. Sorry this is late. Right, so in case I haven't said it or you haven't read it yet, I'm horrible at only at working on one story at a time. I'm saying this now, because unless I pull my focus together on one story instead of five or so for the story I post following Pantomath I am not going to finish in time. So in an effort to buy me more time as I work on seven different stories all at once on top of my life like a crazy person, there might not be an update next week.

I actually am kind of sorry for this thing and posting late, but nothing to do about it,

      Deku- or rather Canary since he was recognized as that first until someone gave the media the connection- was ultimately what ended up being the main story on the news (much to the great displeasure of one Shigaraki Tomura who began making plans for the capture of who he recognized as 'Canary' accompanied by much dark grumbling).

    Izuku Midoriya similarly stared with eyes narrowed angrily at the screen that showed him towering over the fallen Nomu,  off- colored blood splashed across his mask as one boot tramped down on a broken jaw, a hand stretching the Nomu's tongue taunt as his free one appeared mid shot into the forcibly held open mouth. His head was turned looking like it was staring just off from the camera, holding a fiercely determined and probably disturbing light in their green depths.

     It wasn't exactly a pleasant photo.... and all of his noticeable features were on full display, from his green eyes and matching wild hair to the scars that danced up his forearms like lightning strikes and a post that had remained standing nearby offered a good guess at relative height. That last thing probably shouldn't be the part that bothered him, should it?

    He sighed, grabbing a jacket to help cover his face as he headed to pick up Aire from where she was visiting with Cogitatio- who had offered to let her sit through one of the art classes he taught. Three days had passed since the Hosu incident and stress was beginning to wear him down to his limit in a way it hadn't since before the slime villain attack. He could feel all of the factors and stress crushing him no matter how he tried to hold the burden- being an informant was stressful, but never had it weighed on him like this before. And he still likely had another few weeks before Jin woke since he hadn't heard from the flaming peacock of a doctor yet. (He recognized that was rude of him, but he still wasn't taking it back).

His name was heard on every street corner, Nezu wouldn't let up about UA, he had his usual work to keep up with made harder by his newfound fame, he was expecting an attack on his person specifically, he had to care for Eri and make sure she wasn't in the crossfire despite spending so much time together, and Jin still lay frozen by Stain's quirk. Yet still none of this lessened the amount of requests that came flooding in like never before and him and his bleeding heart couldn't stand to turn good people away. And that didn't include any of the stresses that he had come to consider as normal everyday things... even he struggled to believe this was his reality at times.

     He slipped through an alleyway turning back onto the main street again only to stop when he felt four fingers firmly grasp onto his throat. "Stop right there, my little Canary, I'm afraid you and I are going to have a little chat."

     He complied abruptly aborting his motion to throw his attacker and reach for a pointy object and freezing in place. His eyes locked onto Cogitatio's who stood next to Aire, eyes having widened almost imperceptibly as he took note of the scene Deku was in the middle of.  Deku nervously fiddled with his fingers, discreetly flashing signs to the other. Without a word, and only a panicked, mildly uncertain look, he turned and ushered Aire inside with, no doubt, one of his poorly made excuses.

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