Chapter 34:

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  Early update again since I'm going to be somewhat busy over the weekend. -T.A.L.A.

      (An: this chapter gets... dark. Mentions of torture and main character death)

The moment his two interrogators walked in was the moment that he realized he had miscalculated.  Big time. His plan would have to change again, but even then he didn't think there was anything he could do. This change would definitely mess with his Precepts plan.

     One was tall and muscular. blond hair swept neatly to one side and a calm smile on his face, an expression that completely contrasted with the hate-filled anticipation that danced in his large, doe-shaped eyes. On his arm was an older man, their posture was crooked, but they still kept pace easily, their cane clicking with every other step. Clouded eyes glanced unseeingly over the room, landing on Deku the moment he spoke.

       "Hello, Woolf, Jones. I admit I did not anticipate this happening. How's work for you Jones, last I heard-"

"You will keep your mouth shut this time if you want to make it out intact." The younger, Jones, didn't snarl the words, instead his smile grew, still looking completely natural despite the words and the obvious displeasure that gleamed from his eyes. The fire in those eyes that Izuku had missed the first time they met danced, fanned by hatred. The older patted Jones' arm gently, moving forward and toward Deku.

"And yet I am to be left sane, if I will be of any use, so let's keep this quick."

"I should have figured this was your game, don't thin-"

"Shigaraki wants his quirk, Jones, you can see what he is doing as well as I can, don't go trying to sink your teeth into him yet." Woolf spoke softly as he ran weathered fingers over Izuku's face. "You know why the two of us were sent don't you?"

Deku hummed slightly not moving his head, "I know."

"We both know you would be nothing without your quirk, and they can still remove it from your mindless corpse, don't test me, I'm far more valuable, more important, better, than a loose cannon like you will ever be. All your worth is because of your quirk, without it nobody would care about a smug, discarded, useless bastard like you."

It had always puzzled him how the other managed to keep up such a naturally kind and amenable mask while talking- their words rarely if ever matched up with it-, Izuku smiled sadly, "I know." He tilted his head slightly as Woolf moved their hands to his neck, "But I think you're projecting, after all my parents were married."

" You-" Woolf wordlessly sent a disapproving frown Izuku's way and held up a hand to Jones to stop them mid-step. Jones fell back again.

"Still the same soft spot Jones, come on, I'd heard you were a big boy now, are you still not over that leak?"

"The moment Woolf is done. The very moment. You are going to be in so much pain. You will beg, for-"

"I believe this will be the sixth time you've failed to perform as you promised."

"Woolf leave the room when you finished if you are so concerned."  Jones cut Woolf off before they even had time to scold him. His voice remained at the same tone most used to speak of the weather. Even Deku had to admit it was unsettling and made it difficult to realize the intent behind the words of you weren't already aware of Jone's nature.

"Our job Jones, is to get information."

"He will talk... once I'm done, don't worry. He'll tell anything just so he doesn't have to see me."

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