Chapter 16:

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Happy Monday everyone!

His distracted thoughts were quickly banished however when he opened the door and stepped foot into the observation room with Fumikage.

      An explosion rang loudly as he ducked under an upward swinging hand, "huh," his attacker grunted, "You're not half bad for someone with such a lame quirk, but I'm-"

    Deku reacted easily, not really listening to what the other was saying, already in position for a tackle; he pushed forward, wrapping his arms around their midsection lifting up as they pushed, one leg kicking out behind his knees. He was able to just barely avoid getting hit by the flailing hands that still shot explosions off because of his arms position so they pushed his attacker's up near the arm pits destroying all leverage his opponent had while giving him use of his whole body.

    As they neared the ground, he quickly moved his hands to pin their arms down, pressing his knee against their chest. Two sets of red eyes met each other as they locked eyes with each other. Then the gray haired rose taking a few steps back from the ash blond.

    "Sorry about that, I just saw the explosions heading to my face and moved... I hope your okay? I wasn't too rough was I?" Hideki couldn't resist picking at the blond's wounded pride with a few just slightly mocking, but friendly seeming words. He offered them a  hand up. It had been awhile since they had last seen Bakugō Katsuki and they did not expect it to hurt like this. They thought they had gotten over their childhood bully. Apparently not.

    "You caught me off guard is all," Ka- Bakugō blustered.

    Hideki blinked a few times feigning shock before drawing their shoulders up defensively (that made it sound like they attacked Bakugo), they glanced around at the other's resigned faces for show, as no one stepped in, although Fumikage and Iida seemed about to, so he drew himself up and Hideki defended themselves while trying to seem just slightly aggressive.

Hopefully he'd come off as not meek, passive, or cuel, just short tempered. "I was going to say that too, what with attacking as I entered the room. That explosion nearly hit me before I saw it! You should have at least been prepared for a counter if you go to attack someone like that."

  "What? No! You used your quirk-"

  "So did you," Hideki scowled now, "but, okay, I agree, mine is better, thank you... err, sorry, I don't know your name have we've been introduced?"

    "How dare you-"

     "Hey!" Bakugō was interrupted a second time, this time by Aries, "you are being mean to Deki, you're not supposed to do that, apologize!"

     "Huh?! Butt out brat, go back to drawing or whatever shit you were doing before!" His hand raised threateningly as he turned to the small girl standing with her hands on her hips.  Hideki instinctively moved in front of her raising his arms slightly to his side. Bakugō paused eyeing them, the classroom was silent, "tch, whatever,"

    Only once they had stuck their hands in their pockets and turned wondering off did Hideki relax, reaching one hand to pull Aries closer to their side.

     Of course they took it as their cue, making Izuku barely restrain a groan and not quite containing the exasperated look in his eyes, "Hey! You didn't apologize! You aren't  allowed to mess with my big brother!"

     "It's fine Aries, don't worry about it," they turned keeping themselves between their little sister and the volatile student as they went, pushing her back to where she had originally been sitting against the wall.

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