Chapter 19:

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     *vague screaming approaches as a screech echoes down the hall* I forgot to updateeeee! ...uh, sorry about that guys, promise the updates will be going back to every Monday again it's been a chaotic few weeks.... probably.

     It was with unusually unsteady footing that he made his way up the stairs, leaning ever so slightly against the railing as he climbed. Upon reaching the dorm he wordlessly entered and shut the door before he greeted Eri with a big hug. Tears were pouring out of his eyes as he collapsed to the ground clutching her. (And here he thought he'd finally knocked that habit) Why did he have to be here? Why did he agree? Why did it have to be one of those god darned gray areas? Why... why did it have to be All Might?

"...Brother? Brother? Brother! Brother, what's wrong? ...Zu?" He focused in on Eri's voice as it grew increasingly worried and frantic before scared.

"Nothing, I'm fine, 'Re. I'm fine." He found the strength to speak as he heard tears forming in her eyes too, "I'm fine. I just missed you a lot. I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, to the furthest star and back, and then more... why are you saying that? 'Zu? I'm- you- you're not leaving me behind are you? You promi-"

"Never, I'll always be by your side, don't worry. I just don't like this job, that's all. I'm just so glad you got to accompany me.... come on, we've got to get to class, right? Are you ready to go?"

"...yes. This isn't over though, Sare said if you ever started acting weird to find out what's going on and to call them. And you're acting weird."

Izuku laughed weakly and forced himself to pull back from the hug and stand  so she could gather her bag for the day, "Alright, no need to call them unless you want to though, we'll be seeing them Saturday come hell or high water or else Jin will send out the Calvary to hunt us down." Eri giggled and motioned for him to pick her up after handing over her bag, in her hands she clutched an orange.

"They also said to make sure you eat lunch."

"Shoot, you guys know me too well don't you?"

     They slipped out of the dorm room Hideki carefully locking the door behind them, after shifting Aries so she was on his back, the fruit now safely placed into the bag. As Eri spoke he took off at a trot to the training room the class was supposed to meet at for the hero class today.

He was greeted rather enthusiastically by Hagakure and received a friendly nod from Yaoyorozu as well both of which he returned with a beaming grin and a wave just like he did with any of the classmates who greeted him. The class itself seemed to whirl by with them practicing their quirks to try and extend the time limit or power level- an amusing task for him as it required standing motionless in one place and blinking often for long periods of time before stretching out slightly and restarting as he continued to pretend that he had stopped time for everyone but himself. Of course that only lasted until All Might decided to step it up a notch for him as the pro hero weaved through the room offering assistance and making suggestions for the students to improve the effectiveness of their quirk training.

     Hideki's quirk was put to the test as All Might suggested he memorize objects on a screen as they flashed by and recite them back to the hero based off what number was very lightly written in the corner of each item... suddenly quirk training no longer seemed as amusing. Instead it was becoming a worrisome challenge as the things flashing across the screen became more varied. Soon becoming tests of how quick he could see, and sometimes read, things, passages or spot the randomized number with his secret identity on the line. In a matter of what seemed like milliseconds. With his nonexistent quirk. This if nothing else was sure going to be what got him revealed.

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