Chapter 4

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Okay, short author's note here, but you're more than welcome to just ignore it, I won't mind. First off, I know I said I'd update every Monday and, technically speaking, I did.  ....Just kinda late. Whoops. So, I'm posting a double update this week. Anyway, thanks a bunch to everyone who voted for my story! I really appreciate it.    Enjoy.

        It took no time at all after he had access to a computer for him to be leading other users in an open revolt against Endeavor or just crying for full disclosure on what led to his arrest.  Once he had made himself a virtual base- taking various degrees and even playing neutral or doubtful to more discretely turn people- he began anonymously leaking video and vocal with various excuses. From there he would mold the members from two separate angles, his first step was complete.

    Then came phase two, now that he had turned the hearts of the internet all he had to do is have several 'concerned citizens' come forward about the famed hero's temperament of his children, and suspicions about his wife. He of course had already discretely lined up a few actual witnesses or put them in a position where they would be compelled to come forward, but he'd add a few more to the mix. Once more giving evidence and examples to the rumors.

Of course, the delicate thing for this part was keeping the heroes on his side, to do this he would need to keep a firm not all heroes, just Endeavor stance. It would involve him putting emphasis on heroes rights, but making clear that heroes should not be allowed to get away with villainy of the worse kind just because they were famous. Endeavor should not be allowed to attack the defenseless or terrorize their family.

    It was approaching dinner time when the doctor finally paid him a visit. They glanced in the room giving him a disapproving frown the moment they saw him, "You just had a life or death experience, I can't understand how your generation can stay so fixated on those machines.  You most definitely shouldn't be up yet, much less playing on that, it will strain your eyes, and that position his horrible for you wounds."

    "Yes, well, they stopped me from escaping so this was the lesser evil. Besides this is just preventative measures, if you really think about it. Just as important as healing really."  Deku absently muttered, he didn't even look up continuing to speedily type far faster than most people could dream to- even with only one hand at his disposal due to his burns. "Is there anyway I can be taken off this pain medication? Or have the dose lessened? I can't think properly with all the fog in my head."

    "You want to be taken off the pain medications?! Young man I know they don't hurt that much now, but you have third degree burns!"

    "Oh!" Deku's head snapped up as he actively realized someone new had arrived for the first time, "I didn't- we, sorry- I just meant, sorry, I didn't realize you were there... Is it possible to take me off at least a little of this medicine though? I know what it feels like, really.  It has happened before to a lesser extent, but I really need to focus now. It's very important."

    "Well while on the topic of important things, we were unable to get in contact with your legal guardian, your younger sister has been helping us out, she even showed us where you carried all medical records you might need on you... I think I should ask why you need to do that, you understand how this all looks to us don't you? Especially since your sister wouldn't let us read it?  She read it to us."

    Izuku couldn't help the proud smile he sent Eri, his little sister, she had learned so well. (Although it was somewhat funny how she protected all but the information they needed. She'd make a great info broker someday if she wanted to be one. And it wasn't like he hadn't properly edited out any dangerous information on his files)

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