6: Saving the family

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We're finally home, and everybody is either asleep or half asleep. Safaree carried the twins in and I carried Alex and August. Makalah tumbled in and immedietly fell asleep on the couch. Safaree and I woke up everyone.

"Go brush you're teeth and go to bed okay?" I say. "Moooooooooooom.." Ava mummbled. "Come on please don't be difficult. Everyone wants to be asleep right now."

The went upstairs, except Makalah. Safaree carried her upstairs. I followed them and went to the bedroom and put on night clothes. I went into the girl's bathroom with the twins and Makalah. I did whatever and then went strait to bed after kissing all my babies.

"Mom?" I hear as soon as I close my eyes. "Yea?"

"Will you tell me a bedtime story?" It was Alex.

"Ask your dad." I rolled over and fell asleep.


August woke me up at 6. I went into his room and changed is daiper, and then i took him downstairs to have breakfast. "Do you want some breakfast baby boy?" I smile and sit him down in his high chair.

He laughed loudly and banged his sippy cup on the table. "Okay, Okay."

I cut up a banana and put the slices on his table. Makalah walked in with her crutches, already ready for school. August threw a banana slice at her and it got stuck in her hair. I laughed as she pulled it out. "It's not funny!" She laughed with me. She sat down at the bresakfast nook and sat her crutches up aganst the bar beside her.

"Mom can you help me with my homework?" Avery skips in and stops with a jump. "Why didn't you do that lastnight?"

"I forgot to bring my backpack."

"Okay. Safaree!" i call. He came downstairs. "Can you make them breakfast?" I ask him, doing a pouty face. He smiled and walked past me to the stove.


I sat down at my desk in homeroom. Everyone crowded around me, asking questions. "What happened?!"

"I broke my leg."




"Owwe mommy!" August ran into my office and showed me his elbow. "Shh mommy's on the phone. Hello?" I pulled him up onto my lap and continued my phone conversation with the CEO of a major company. "That won't work my kid has dance class and- oh.. okay....I guess...Good bye." I hung up and sighed.

"I got a boo boo." August whines. "Where?"

He lifted his elbow to show a little scrape. "Awe. Let's go get a bandaid." I picked him up and carried him to the downstairs bathroom.

I put a bandaid over his scrape and then kissed it. "All better?" I ask. He nodded and ran off. I giggled. my phone started ringing.


I walked into my office and called Nicki.

"Hey." she answered.

"Hey I can't take Ava to dance class I'm working late tonight."

"I can't either I have to go into the office until 9."

"uh...okay i'll see if I can leave early."

"Okay. love you."

"Love you too Nic. Bye."


I hung up and went back to work.


I was doing homework when I hear my mom yell, "Dinner!"

I put my books down and went downstairs. I sat in my seat at the table and waited for everyone else. One by one, my siblings came downstairs. We said grace and began eating.

About 10 minutes into dinner, my dad came through the front door. "Where have you been?" Mom asks. "I told you i'm working late."

"I was waiting for you to get home so you could take Ava to dance that was the plan."

"Sorry. They needed me."

"Picking work over family?"

"Nicki it was either that or I loose my job."

"I'm just saying it would've been nice for you to call..."

"Nicki give me a break it's impossible to make a call when I'm in meetings back to back!" Dad yelled. "Stop yelling!" Mom screamed.

"You're the one who's yelling! I di-"

"Stop!" I yell. Everyone got quiet. Dad sat down at the table and started feeding August. I quickly finished eating and went back upstairs.

"Kalah open the door." I hear Avery or Ava. I couldn't tell. So I got up and unlocked the door. Both of them came in and I locked the door again.

"Can you hear that?" Ava asks. I listened closly and heard them yelling still.

"Is Alex still down there?" I ask. "Yea he's crying."

"This isn't good. They're always fighting." I say, looking down. "Are they gonna get dicorsed?"

"You mean divorced? I don't know."

"You told them they should!"

"I did, didn't I? Well, I wasn't serious, I think. They know that...right?" I question myself. "It's all your fault Makalah!" Avery yells. "No it's not! Shut up!"

Maybe it is. I told them that all they do is fight and they should just get divorsed.


I walked up to Makalah's door. "Shhh she's coming!" Avery whispered right before I opened the door. "Hey..um.. what's up?"


Her eyes were puffy and I can tell she was crying. She knows I know.

"Mommy are you and da-" I covered Ava's mouth before she could continue. "What?" Mom says. "Nothing." We answer. "Okay well, daddy's at work so he won't be back for a while, okay?"

He's not at work. He just got back from work why would he go back?
"When will he be back?" I ask. She just looked at me. "I don't know Makalah."

Yes she does. He's not coming back. I wiped my eyes and looked down. I got up and grabbed mom's hand, leading her into the guest room.

"You two broke up over one little fight?" I ask. "No, it's been more than one. More of which you haven't been home to wittness. Don't worry, okay? Everything is fine."

"Don't lie to me." I say, getting up. "We're just going to take a break for a little to get everything back on track." She says.

"We both know what that leads to..."

I ran in my room and got a pen and paper. Alex joined us now. "Guys...mom and dad are breaking up. This CAN'T happen!" I say. "What are we gonna do we're only kids!" Alex says.

I thought for a second. "I got it! We can send them on a date."

"They've been on a million of those." Ava rolls her eyes. "Just listen...My plan is perfect...."


Hi! Next chapter will be bomb asf...if it turns out how I want. But comment and vote pls!!!

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