23: terrified

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I woke up the next morning. It was quieter than usual. I carefully went downstairs. No sign of dad anywhere..

I went into the kitchen. Mom was facing the stove. She turned, smiling. "Good morning sleepy head, pancakes?"

"N-no.. No thanks." I shook my head. "Okay."

I remember crying myself to sleep last night. And the sound the door made when dad slammed it. I went into the living room and looked out of the window. Dads car wasn't there next to moms.

What's going on...

I heard the door unlock and dad walked in. They were acting...normal. Dad kissed mom's cheek and mom smiled. They were acting like nothing happened. I didn't know if I should say anything or not. "Hey dad." I say nervously. "Hey Kalah."

"So are we not gonna talk about what happened last night?" I ask. "What?" Mom says. "You punched mom in the face!" I yell. "What are you talking about... " Dad chuckled. "Makalah are you okay?" Mom says.

I looked down. "What happened yesterday?"

"Um, dad and I got our stuff together, and that's pretty much it I guess. We got in a little argument but... No hitting. What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Never mind." I went upstairs. I guess.. It was a dream. A real ass dream. I took a sigh of relief. "Okay... That didn't happen. Everything is okay."

(9 PM)

"Kalah. "

I turned and Ava was standing with my phone in her hand. "It's for you."

"Don't touch my phone." I say, snatching it out of her hand. "Hello?"

"Ah, Makalah, do you miss me?" It was my dad, my real dad. "H-Huh?" I gulped. "Do you miss me? I'm coming to see you soon. Just wait for me...we're gonna have some fun like we did last time, huh?"

I shook my head and hung up. I realized there were tears in my eyes so I wiped them away. "Mom!" I screamed. She came into my room quickly. "What's wrong?"

"He's coming.." I say, crying my eyes out. "Who's coming!? SAFAREE!" She called for dad. She was heated already and she didn't even know what was happening. Dad came up and asked what was wrong. "He's coming. Alex."

"Let him come Makalah, if he comes near you, I will fuck him up, do you hear me?" He says, looking in my eyes. I nodded as he wiped my tears. "You know you're too pretty to cry." He says quietly, hugging me tightly. I hugged back. "You're strong." He patted my back and mom and him left.

I am strong... But.. I'm not strong enough to face my dad again.

I sat down because I started feeling light headed. Tears started flowing out of my eyes and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I tensed up. So this is what a anxiety attack feels like. "Mom!" I tried to yell, but it just came out as a whisper. ''Mom!" I screamed, and she hurried back into the room. "Are you okay?" She asks. "No! I'm scared!" I cried. She sat down by me and pulled me into a hug. She rubbed my back and kissed my head.

"You know daddy won't let anything happen to you."

"I know but, I'm still scared. What he did last time.."

"Hey, don't bring that up. That's in the past, this is now," she says. "Are you going to sleep?" I ask. "Yea, goodnight." She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight."

She left, and I sat back down. I'm scared, because what if my dad really shows up? I know I shouldn't be scared of anybody, because that's how mom raised me but...I'm terrified of Alex. 


what do you think?

Short but I promised i would update today :)


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