15: never give up on love

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"Dinner!!" I yell, as I set the table. Makalah came down first, followed my the twins, and Alex. Safaree came down, carrying August. "What's for dinner?" Ava asks. "Spaghetti."

"I don't like spaghetti."

"Then I guess you're not hungry."

She sat down at the table along with everyone else as I put their plates in front of them. I made a little plate with less spaghetti for August. 

I sat down and we started eating. "Makalah no phones at the table, please.." I looked up at her. "But dad has his out."

I looked at Safaree, who was to my right. He was smiling at his iPhone. I looked over his shoulder to see what the fuck he was smiling at. He moved it away too quickly, but I saw the name "Victoria Green", which sounds really familiar. (A/N: Check Chapter 40 of This Thing We Call Love RIGHT NOW....)

I didn't say anything for the rest of the night, and Safaree caught on. "What's wrong?" He says, shutting the door to our bedroom. "Nothing."


"If you want to know, let me see your phone."

He looked away. "Why? No."

I didn't say anything. "Why do you want to see my phone?" He dug his hand in his back pocket. I held my hand out and he put his phone in it. I unlocked it and went to his messages. The first person listed was "Victoria Green". 

Her: I miss you! When are you coming back to Indiana??????

Safaree: Whenever I have time...it's busy here. Too many kids. And I miss you too..

Her: that's your fault. lol you should've left her when you had the chance. 

He didn't reply to that. I shed a tear and scrolled up. This was the night the baby died. 

Safaree: It's not looking good..

Her: You didn't want another baby anyway.

Safaree: I know, but that's my wife.

Her: For now.

Safaree: Maybe :)

I threw Safaree's phone to the wall, and it cracked. "Why do you do this shit Safaree!?" I screamed. 


"You know what the fuck I'm talking about! Who the fuck is Victoria!? Is it that the bitch you had over when I was in a comma!?"


Oh no. Mom is right. I remember..when I was like 5, mom fell into a comma and dad had a one night stand with this chick named Victoria. 

"No!" Dad yelled. "Oh really?! How bout I go ask Makalah!?"

"Ask her then!"

She asked, me and I told her the truth. "Yes." I said.  They were now arguing in my room. 

"Fuck you Safaree! Why would you do that shit to me?" Her voice got quieter, and I heard her crying. I had my eyes closed. I hate dad for this. I hugged mom tightly. "Makalah get out!" Dad yelled. "No! I hate you! Why did you do this Safaree?! Look what you did!" I screamed, still holding mom. He drew his fist out and tried to hit me, but mom moved me away. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Mom yelled. Safaree ran out, slamming the door. I heard the little kids scream downstairs. Mom and i ran down there. "You're not taking my kids with you!"

"Yes the fuck I am! Let's go August!"

"Noooo!" He screamed. Safaree picked him up and forced him out of the door. Mom ran after him but I held her back. "Just let him go. He's not going to hurt August." I say.

Mom sat on the couch, curled up into a ball and started crying. "Mommmy...are you okay?" Ava asks. I shook my head at her. "I'm fine...just...go to your room please..." She says. 

They all went upstairs.

"Mom...I'm really sorry this happened... I remember Victoria...she really isn't all that pretty."

"Thanks, Kalah. Come here."

I sat down on the couch by her small body and hugged her. "I love you Makalah."

"I love you too mommy." 

"Will you call Safaree for me and try to make him come back?" She asks."I don't want him to come back. He's a cheater."

"I know but....he's my husband and I can't manage 4 kids by myself."

"I'm not calling him. If he comes back, someone is gonna get hurt and I don't want that person to be you."


I can't believe Safaree did this to me...again! If this happened like 7 years ago when the twins didn't exist, Safaree and I would be divorced right now. But now we have 5 kids, and I have to think about them. I'm not going to make them go through all of that, so Safaree and I are just gonna have to work this shit out some how, no matter how much I want to just give up on us. 

(9 PM)

After Safaree came back, we had a really short talk, and quickly came up with a solution. It's not the best, but it's what's going to have to work. 

We gathered the kids together, and told them the news.

"Your father and I are..getting a divorce."

"What?" Makalah's voice cracked. I looked in her eyes, and they were full of disappointment. I looked away. "What does that mean?" Alex asks. "It means mommy and daddy don't love each other no more." Ava says. "No..I love your dad. He just won't be around much anymore, and we'll have to get used to it."

"I'll probably see your guys on the weekends, and holidays." Safaree says, and I nodded. Makalah got up off the couch, looking at Safaree with such hatred. She ran up to her room and slammed the door. 

"I don't want you to get a divorce I want us to be a family. I don't want things to change mommy please! I'm sorry!" Avery yelled, tears streaming down her face. 

"It's not your fault baby. This is daddy and I's fault. I'm so sorry.." I looked down.

After all of that,  I went up to Makalah's room.

"Babe..I'm sorry but I need to do what's best for us." I say. "What? Tearing our family apart!? Do you know what this does to kids?! Did you even think about us, and how we feel!? You didn't, did you!?" Tears formed in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. "You said this wouldn't happen! And it did! Please make it better mom...please." 

I shed some tears. "I can't Makalah. I'm done. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry but I can't. I don't mean to put you though this... you've been though enough, and you know I love you..but I refuse to be disrespected by him! I'm done! I give up."

"Never give up on love..."


sorry if this has lots of mistakes i edited it really quick 

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