21: Men are dogs

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"Where is she going!?" I yelled.

"I don't know! You lost her!" Safaree screamed. "I didn't loose her! I left her at home for like 2 hours and she ran away!"

There was a few moments of silence.

"New York..." I mumbled. "What?"

"She wanted to go to New York with her dad. She's in New York." I nodded. "Kids!" I yelled. Alex and The twins ran into the room. "Did you find Kalah?" Alex asks. "No, but we're going to New York City."

"New York?" Ava asks. "Mhhm."

"No we're not." Safaree says. "What? We have to." I say, turning to him. "No we don't. She'll want to come back. We'll give her 3 days to call one of us. You'll see." He says. "I don't want to see! I want my daughter! Forget trying to teach her a lesson!" I yelled.

He sighed. "Okay. We'll leave as soon as possible. I'll go buy the tickets online." He walked upstairs. I followed him. I went into August's room and started packing his bags. I packed about 3 outfits, because I din't know how long we'd be there.

After I was done, I helped the twins pack, and then Alex. I packed Alex some books so he could practice reading on the plane.

"Okay, the flight is tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get a hold of Makalah's dad so I can make sure Makalah's okay."


"Hello?" Alex answered. "Hey is Makalah with you?"

"Yea...I thought you knew that."

"No. She left. We were so worried." I sighed.

"Sorry dude, I thought you knew. I'll bring her back if you want."

"We're coming up to New York tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. I'll text you the address."

"Okay, thanks. I'll have Nicki call you tomorrow when we're there."

"Okay, bye." He said.



I screamed my lungs out. "STOP!" I screamed. "STOP DAD PLEASE!"

The pills he gave me started to kick in, and I fell asleep.


"Stop crying!" My dad smacked me and I backed up. I was laying on his bed, still naked under the covers. "Wh-why did you do that?" I cried. "Shut the fuck up! Now call Nicki and tell her you're okay."

Sequel to T.T.W.C.L (ONIKAFAREE)Where stories live. Discover now