2: Busy family, busy days

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It's about 11 pm now on a Saturday night, and i'm up doing homework in my room. I start hearing noises downstairs. I put my book down and got up. I went to my sister's room and told them to get up. "Come on Ava.."

Ava threw her sheets off of her and got up. "You too Avery." i call behind me.

We all went to my room and sat on the floor. I got a glass cup and put it to the carpet. I put my ear up to it and listened. There was a knock on the door and Alex, my little brother with his spider man pajamas on, walked in.

"What's goin on?" he groaned and sat by us.

"What are they saying?" Avery asks. "Shh."

I carefully listened to mom and dad argue back and forth. I couldn't quite make out what was being said, but it was something about Alex and a man named Aubrey. It sounds familiar, but I don't know how or where it's from.

"I'll be right back... Don't touch anything." i warn my siblings and tiptoe out of my room. I sneak downstairs and peek around the banister.

"Nicki we can't go! Alex will asks whole bunch of questions and one of his family members will probably answer. We can't let Alex figure out that he's adopted." My dad yelled.

"But Aubrey is our friend.."

"Friend? He tormented us in high school, put you in the hospital and abandoned his kid. That doesn't say "friend" to me."

Whoever this 'Aubrey' guy is, I don't like him. Why would he put mom in the hospital and abandon Alex? He's the sweetest kid ever.


I walked downstairs, and saw mom making breakfast and my dad was helping. They were trying to act like everything is okay, and I know it's not.

I looked over to August, who was sitting in his highchair, eating fruit loops. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled.


Last night, Aubrey got shot. Nicki is really upset. And now she wants us to go to his funeral in San Diego. I mean traveling isn't an issue, since we live in LA which is only like 2 hours from San Diego.

It's just..I don't know. It seems weird. Since we have Alex, and he doen't even know who Aubrey is. But everyone in his family knows we have him. Even Makalah knows Alex isn't ours. But none of the kids know Aubrey or his family.

I guess we should go, if we didn't that would be disrespectful. On the other hand, he promised he would keep in touch with Alex, and he never did. But if Nicki wants to go, then we'll go.


Kalah told me they were talking about someone named Aubrey. I know who that is. I mean, I don't really know, but I know. I've seen him before, in my dreams. He's kind of light skin, and he has curly black hair. In my dreams, he said his name is Aubrey.

So he's a real person?

I went downstairs where Kalah, my mom and August are. "Mom?"

"Yea sweetie?"

"Who is Aubrey?"


I shot Alex a dirty look. Now my mom knows we were eaves dropping. "Uh mom we have to go to the studio Ava and I have practice at 11. I think we should go now." I say and pull on her arm.

"Wait...Alex how do you know about Aubrey?"

"Well....sometimes I see him in my dreams." God he talks too much. "Go talk to dad, we have to go." I tell him and push him away. I wave my hand in front of my mom's face to get her attention. "Okay, okay. Go get ready." She sighs.

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