16: Dad

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I sat down in the Judge's office, waiting for her. She walked in swiftly and sat at her desk. "Okay Makalah, I'm just going to ask you a few questions about your parents."

"Okay." I said quietly. 

These past 4 months have been hell. The divorce is final. Dad moved out, to some apartment in downtown LA. He's usually at our house to help mom with the little kids, he just spends the night there. He didn't show up for my 14th birthday last month, making mom angry. They've been fighting alot here, too. I don't know why they don't just do all that at his apartment. 

"Do your parents fight frequently?" She asks, after putting her purse down. "Sometimes."

"Do they bring you and your siblings into it?"

"No. Only once." I looked down, the memory of that night flooding my mind. "How old are you?"

"14." I spat, with a smart mouth, not understanding why my age even mattered in this situation. "Okay, and does your dad drink?"


"How old was your mother when she had you?"

"Why?" I looked up. "It's one of the questions, dear."

"I was adopted."

"Were your siblings adopted?" 

"Me and Alex. That's it."

"Okay, have your parents ever hit you? Have they been abusive?"

"Yes." I said, through closed teeth. "Hm.."

"Do you understand that this is not your fault? Have they explained that to you?"


"Okay, that's about it. Send in your brother Alex, please."

I got up and walked out of the room, and Alex walked in. 

I sat in between mom and dad on the bench in the empty court room. They both tried to put their arm around me, but quickly pulled away. 


The judge finally made her decision. Us kids would go see dad every weekend. We stayed with mom the rest of the time, and dad could only come over with moms permission. This is what we've been doing for about 3 months anyway. It didn't go as bad as I expected. 


I woke up and heard a vacuum going. I got up and walked into August's room. He wasn't in there, so I checked the rest of the kids rooms. Nothing. I went downstairs, and hell broke loose. Ava and Avery were doing cartwheels in the hallway, August was eating what I hope is chocolate, and Alex, oh Alex. He was sitting in front  of the TV, yelling at everyone to "please shush". Makalah was vacuuming up Cheerios on the floor, and August jumped up and tried to eat them. Makalah stopped him just in time. "Look who's up." She sounded exhausted as she switched the vacuum off. 

"Sorry.... What time is it?"


"Damn it! You guys are late for school!" 

"We might as well not even go now.."

"Okay. Call your dad and tell him to come over. I have to work."


When dad got here, it calmed down a bit. Everyone is mad at him, so we don't really talk anymore. "Dad can we go to the store?" I ask. I don't need anything, I just wanted to get out of the house. "Sure." 

The only good thing about this situation is that our parents feel bad, so they give us whatever we want. 

When we were on our way, dad tried to make small talk with me. "So how's school?" He asks. 

I looked at him, and looked away, giving up hope. "Okay."


"Nothing...I just miss you."

He didn't say anything after that, and I was glad. When we got to Walmart, everything was back to normal. I forgot for a moment that things were different, and they aren't even together anymore. 

We were turning into the next aisle when I saw someone familiar. 

He stared at me for what seemed like forever and I stared back. "Makalah?" He said, looking at me with his eyebrows arched. His facial features were just like mine. He was white man, tall, blue eyes. I remember him. That's when I knew for sure.



ooo shit. I know i just updated this story yesterday but whatever.


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