14: back home

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Dad takes us to the hospital everyday after summer school. I hope Mom gets better soon, because I'm tired of eating hospital cafeteria food for dinner. It's SO boring at the hospital. I wanna go home. "Dad, can we go home please?"


Ava looked at me and rolled her eyes. I looked at dad. "We have to go to the bathroom." I said quickly. I got up, grabbed the twins' hands, and walked out. We walked down the hallway, by the window. "We have to get out of here." Ava said. "I know."

"Come on." Avery told us, and started running down the hallway. Ava and I followed her onto the elevator.


The girls never came out of the bathroom, so I went to go find them. I got on the elevator and went down to the first door. I immediately saw them, playing in the hospital store. I ran into the store and pulled them out of there. "Are you crazy!? Someone could just walk in and take you!" I scolded them.

"Sorry. It was my idea." Makalah fessed up. I put my hand out and she coughed up her iPhone.


When we were on our way home, Avery turned to me. "Why didn't you say I did it?" She whispered. Dad hears everything. Like, everything. "Because you're my little sister. I don't like seeing you get in trouble." I whispered back. "Thanks." She smiled.

I shrugged, wishing I had my phone.

"Dad when is mom getting out?" I spoke louder. "Tomorrow."

I smiled. Alex pulled one of my curls straight, and let it bounce back. I turned around to look in the back most seats of the van, were August and Alex were. Alex smiled and held out his 3DS. "You can play this if you want." He offered. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't think you can text on that thing." I joked, and he laughed.


I'm so happy I'm out of the hospital. After loosing my baby, this is the best thing that's happened this month. I just want to be with my family. Safaree drove me home, because I'm not supposed to drive for a month. Every single bump on the road killed me. It hurts to do everything. Sneeze, cough, walk, move...everything.

After everything settled down at home, I went into the bathroom. I cringed at my belly fat, and the giant line of stitches that went across the bottom of my stomach. Safaree walked in and I quickly put my shirt down. "You're beautiful." he said. "Thank you."

"You don't believe me."

He walked toward me and tried to lift my shirt up. "No!" I yelled, pushing his hand away. "Why? Nothing is wrong with your stomach."

"I don't want you to see my stitches.."

"I bet your stitches are beautiful." He says "Safaree... please? It hurts and I'm still broken down about loosing Mason. I just wanna sleep. And take lots of pain medication."

He left, and came back with a glass of water, a bottle of Advil, and a heating pad. I was laying in bed now. "DON'T take all the Advil." He said. "4?" I ask.



"2 and a half. That's as far as I'm going." He said, and I nodded. "Okay, fine." I sighed. He plugged up the heating pad, put it on medium and carefully put it on my stomach. I took the Advil and washed it down with water.

"Safaree, I really appreciate this. Thank you."

"You're my wife.. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He smiled.

He turned the TV on, and handed me the remote. "Do you want anything else?" Safaree asks. "No, I'm fine."

"Okay..I'll be downstairs if you need anything.." He walked out, closing the door behind him.


I went downstairs, where all the kids were running loose. I sat on the couch and August jumped in my lap, and his foot landed right on my balls. "Ow! Augy your foot shouldn't go right there." I yelled. He laughed and hopped off. "Okay kids come here." I gathered them around. "Your mom is trying to relax, so if you guys could stop banging on the walls and running around, that would be great." I said. "Why don't you all go up to Makalah's room and watch movies. I'll make you some popcorn." I suggested. "Okay!" Alex jumped up and smiled. They all ran upstairs.

"Finally quiet..." I sighed, as I walked into the kitchen. I popped a bag of popcorn for them and took it up to Makalah's room. They already made a blanket fort, and had Frozen playing on Makalah's computer.

I walked back downstairs and saw the mail man outside. I gathered the mail, and it was kids report cards we've been waiting for for a month. It's July 1st now, but back in May, on the last day of school, they said their report cards were suppose to come in the beginning of June.

I ran upstairs with them and showed the kids. Makalah smiled at her grades, and so did the twins. But Alex looked confused. "Let's go show mom." Makalah got up and ran to our room. "Mooom are you awake?" She slowly opened the door. "Yea. What's up?"

"We got our report cards."

"Ooo lemme see." Nicki reached her arms out toward them. They got in line, and Nicki examined each of their cards, one by one. "Okay Makalah go ahead with your all A's.." She smiled at Makalah. "Ava and Avery still slayin in Kindergarten I see." She said, handing the twins their report cards back. "Okay Alex. What do you got?" Alex handed her his report card. "B in Math..B in science..D in reading?" She looked up at him, disappointed. "Why didn't you ask for help?" She asks. "Maybe he needs glasses." I spoke up. "I can see okay..I just can't read." He looked down.

"Sure you can. What does this say?" Makalah wrote down a quick sentence on the back of her report card. It said, "I want a big brown dog."

"I..mant a...dig down dog.."

"What?" Nicki looks confused. "That's what it says." Alex argues and points to the paper. "What's that letter?" She asks, pointing to the B in brown. "Its a D."

"Kids go back to Makalah's room, okay?" I said. They all went out. "The kid's 8 years old and he can't read?" I whispered. "Safaree.."

"What? He can't tell a B from a D. I blame Aubrey." I put my hands up.

"He obviously had a lot of trouble. Maybe he has dyslexia. He got the letters backwards and upside down." She began, "He's about to start 3rd grade. We'll talk to his new teacher and see if we should be concerned."

"Okay.." I sighed.


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