22: it was okay for a little while

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The next morning, I turned over and saw Safaree asleep next to me. Then I remembered we weren't married anymore. So I couldn't cuddle up to him and give him a kiss. But, I did anyway, and he woke up. "Good morning." I smiled. "Your breath stinks." He whispered, and I pushed him. "Shut up." I laughed. "I'm just playin'. Good morning." He kissed my cheek and got up. "Wait. I wanna start over."

"Start what over...?"

"Us. Our relationship. I'm tired of being away from you. I need you." I say. "You need me?"

"Yes. I do. I miss you. The kids miss you. You're the love of my life Faree..I don't want to go anymore days without seeing you."

He looked down. "I love you Nicki. Will you marry me again?" He asks. I smiled and giggled. "Of course I will. I love you." He stood up and we hugged. He kissed me and pulled back when Makalah walked in. "Hey good news...we're getting back together." I told her.

"Wait really!?" She smiled. She ran toward us and we hugged. "Mom I'm so happy!! I love you guys!" Safaree kissed her head.


OH MY GOD YASSSS. I'm gonna cry oh my god. This just took most of the weight off of my shoulders. Now all I was thinking about was what happened with my dad. "What?" Mom asks. "Nothing..I just thought of what happened."

"I have nothing to say about that. Unbeleievable. Are you sure you're okay? You know I used to run with them thugs I can shoot something up real quick." Dad says, and I laughed. "No. Just beat him up. Don't kill him please." I looked up.

"I won't kill him. Just until he knows not to hurt my child again. I'm sorry this happened Kalah... It's horrible and you shouldn't have had to go though that. You're young and he took your innocence. This is why we protect you. The world is big and bad, you have to pay attention." He says. I hugged him and he hugged back tightly. "Thank you daddy. I love you."

"I love you too."

We walked downstairs to where the twins and Alex were watching Frozen for the billionth time this month.

"Guys. Sit please." Mom says. We all sat down on he couch, smallest to biggest. August say on moms lap. "I know...a lot has been going on around here. And I'm sorry you all had to be apart of it. But, that's all over now, okay?"

"Daddy's gonna live with us now?" Alex asks. "Yea, I'm coming back home soon." Dad says. I smiled, and got up. I'm proud of them for getting through this.


I was in the shower when Safaree opened the bathroom door. "Hey, I'm going to New York."


A few moments later, he got in the shower with me. "I'm going to set Makalah's dad straight."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Beat his fucking ass."

"Safaree..." I sighed, putting my hands on his chest. "What are we just gonna let it go?" He asks. "You could get in trouble..."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "Don't worry about anything baby, everything will be alright."


They've literally been back together for four hours and they're already fighting again. They went from talking about my dad to talking about why they broke up. I saw Mom follow dad past my door. "YOU cheated on me! YOU didn't want another kid and was happy he didn't make it!"


"That's not what your texts with Victoria say! You left your wife and kids for that hoe! That's fucking ridiculous!"

I got out of bed to follow them. They went downstairs. "The only reason I took you back was for the kids!" Mom screamed. "Shut up! All you fucking do is bring the kids into stuff! That's why Makalah is so messed up now! All the stuff you did to her and now she's traumatized! You're a horrible parent!"

I rolled my eyes. That's when it got really bad. Mom shoved dad. Then dad pushed her over and slammed her to the floor. Dad punched her dead in the face. I went off, yelling and screaming and punching dad back.

"SAFAREE! WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU CRAZY? DONT EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN SAFAREE! I HATE YOU!" I screamed, punching him in his abs as hard as I could. He didn't budge at all, just kept that plain face on and taking my punches.

"GO AWAY! GET OUT! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! LEAVE! DONT COME BACK I DONT CARE! GO!" I pushed him away and sat by mom. Dad left.

Mom looked more mentally hurt that physically.

I tried to calm down for her, but I couldn't. Something took over my body, and I couldn't stop being mad. It was something I had never felt before. I was so angry.. A rage was eating away at me. I wanted to scream. I ran up to my room and started crying my eyes out in my pillow.


Lol yall thought it was gonna be that easy?

Sequel to T.T.W.C.L (ONIKAFAREE)Where stories live. Discover now