CHAPTER 45 - Date Night

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Previously On Triplets Apart:
Jada asks her sister Amber to get her an outfit from her designs for her dream date with Tariq. The sisters deepen the bonding by sharing their future plans as Mariyah reveals the final look of the painting that she started.


The girls got a mission to complete and Jada is indeed the subject.

"Thank you for doing this on such short notice, Cindi, I swear, you rock my world every single time." Phoebe expresses to her assistant Cindi, who had just delivered Jada's dress.

"You're the boss, as long as my room is ready for the night." Cindi replies with a wink.

"Of course, I booked you a room at the Artesian. You fly back to Paris in the morning at a time of your choice since you don't want to go tonight, you spoiled brat."

As time goes by, Jada falls deeper in love with Phoebe's personality, she'd never seen anyone treat their workers like this.

Cindi leaves the White House to check into her hotel. Being that the girls apparently now have plans together, the parents came to an agreement to stay the night at the White House with David's permission of course, despite the awkward situations, when they look pass that and focus on the girls, it brings joy to their hearts to see them bonding. Jada even flew Paige in as well.

"Move it ladies, we don't have all night." Amber sings as if it's a song, her beautifully contagious voice fills the room. Tariq smiles.

Their mission is to transform Jada into a new person for her first real date.

The girls begin to scatter, pacing out of the kitchen towards Mariyah's room.

"Uhh babe? Since I'm unimportant and unneeded right now, I'm going back to L.A. to hang out with Cody and Shane, I'll be back later tonight for our date, aiit?" Tariq's face flashes a sheepish smile and a shrug.

The girls chuckle at his awkwardness as Jada grins and blows him a kiss in response, she then spins on her heels and jog away to Mariyah's room.


"Uhh, let's get started, shall we?" Paige announces after a few long hours of laying around doing nothing but indulging in senseless chatter and laughter among themselves. She'd arrived earlier.

"Music to my ears." Mariyah beams which earns her a glance of amusement from Jada, that's one of Jada's favorite lines to say. Mariyah grins sweetly.

Jada blinks away.. "Wait, what? We have like," she glimpses her watch, "Another 3 hours. Tariq picks me up at 8!"

"Oh wow, she has no idea what a real make over is like, huh.." Amber whispers to Paige, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Trust me, my baby sis knows everything.. but cosmetics and beauty? Isn't any of them!" Paige elicits a snort from Phoebe.

"She should be glad she's naturally so God damn hot." Phoebe adds, who has taken a liking towards Paige resulting from their mutual passion for fashion.

They all chuckle but if Jada's eyes could roll any further back in her head, her iris would simply disappear from annoyance.

"What if we go for a straight hair look on her?" Mariyah ask as she tilts her head with knitted brows, studying Jada's face to see if it'd suit her.

"Uuhh, nah-uh! I'm mixed, not white. Therefore my hair would only stay straight if it was permed and that's not an option." Jada snaps.

"Okay okay.." Mariyah says in defeat with her palms up.

"All we gotta do is shampoo her hair and give her curls a little more bounce and sheen." Amber suggests.

"Here, clean your face with water and apply this mask. It exfoliates, deep cleanses and moisturizes your face, leaving you with a glistening glow and softness." Mariyah adds, pacing from the bathroom with a face product.

"Then we pluck her brows and make her shave her legs, followed by coconut oil of course." Amber adds. "Paige, you give her a pedi then file and polish those dreadful nails of hers. Don't forget the top coat. Mariyah, you go in on her makeup, Phoebe for her outfit of course and uhh.. leave the hair to me." They all nod. Amber grins innocently as she studies Jada.

Jada stares at them with knitted brows like 'what the hell is happening?', she wonders if it usually took all of this charade for females to get ready, or maybe it's because it's her first date.. with an actual boy. She looks down at her nails which are perfectly fine and naturally long, they only need a little filing to adjust and define their shapes.

Couldn't I just uhh.. take a shower and get ready? Jada thinks to herself, she's never been so immensely 'girly' and fussy about looks. Although she loves the fact that they're bonding, a part of her feels annoyed and uncomfortable about them treating her like a lab rat they're experimenting on. But then another part is slightly enjoying all this attention.

Jada comes out of the shower, revealing her glowing, flawless face and her velvety, caramel skin, where the water removed the shaving cream, which removed the very few strands of hair she had on her skin and now moisturized with coconut oil along with shea and cocoa body butter. Wrapped up in a robe, she reluctantly walks into the room, earning squeals from the girls, which she's not used to. Her body fidgets uncomfortably.

"She looks so.. new.. fresh." Mariyah says in playful awe. Jada's face scrunches with her hands apart like 'what the hell?'

Paige yanks Jada's arm and tugs her to the chair in Mariyah's little makeup booth.

"And now..." Amber starts. Here we go. ."To the Gods of beauty above, we summon you to guide us along this life changing adventure we're about to embark on.." She says dramatically as Jada's voice interrupts.

"You know what.."

"Shhh! nuh-uh-uh." She shushes Jada as Jada's mouth closes back shut. "Give us the power we beg of you, to turn our sister into a Greek Goddess for one of the most important moments of a her lifetime." Amber finishes as they seal it by saying "amen." Simultaneously.

What on God's earth is this shit? Why are they so damn extra? Jada thinks to herself in internal frustration. Her sisters are so weird and annoying but she loves them even more for their weird  uniqueness.

Mariyah flashes out a cover up and places it around Jada as Amber excitingly lets down her hair to get started. Just like Tariq, Amber is now obsessed with Jada's hair. Paige ambushes her nails right away, starting with one hand as Mariyah begins with the face by applying elixir oil.

Even though Jada is annoyed as she normally would be and also partially oblivious as to what is happening to her right now, a part of her is enjoying it deep down. This is a moment for life for her, all her sisters in one room, having their way with her.

She smiles to herself. She doesn't know what will happen for them all, but for now, this is simply enough, she's happy, they're happy, her parents are happy and hopefully very soon, her real parents and all the adopted parents will find a way for them all to be happy as well, for the sake of the girls.


Again, I had fun writing this chapter.

Which one of the sisters you like the most?

Remember to vote my babies! I love y'all!

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