CHAPTER 8 - Blood Types

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Previously On Triplets Apart:
Mariyah feels embarrassed about the previous night as she now feels awkward about it seeing Cody the next day. Jada discovers that her sister had a kidney disease and needed a transplant that was apparently kept a secret from her.


2 updates in one day!


Not knowing what to do, I sit hopelessly in my trance until an idea pops up in my head.

I grab my keys and pace back outside. Jumping in my car and speeding off the property, heading straight to the Townhall Hospital.

If anyone's going to save my sisters life, then it's going to be me.

I am still confused and offended as to why they would keep this a secret from me. Did they think that it would be too much for me? My dad of all person knows me, he knows that I'm not weak. He trained me to be this way. My mind continues to spin in spirals, desperately trying to make sense out of nonsense.

I get to the hospital and jog inside impatiently. I inform a nurse as to why I'm here and she directs me to a waiting room. After that annoying 15 minutes wait that seemed like 15 days, I get called in by a nurse to perform the procedure.

"Good morning." Her smile is warm and welcoming.

"Hi." My usual inexpressive self.

"What makes you want to get tested?"

"My sister, Paige White. I think her... kidney is sick. I want to help."

"Oh! You want to give her a kidney. Brave girl!" She beams, sensing that my energy is down and probably trying to cheer me up.

I always thought that doctors and nurses are mean people who're only doing their job for the money but really don't care about the patients genuinely.. but these people are actually nice. Oh bingo, we're rich! That's why!

"Whatever the cost." I let out a breath.

She signs me up and documents a file under my name. She pulls my blood and sends me back outside to wait on the doctor. I sit anxiously, shaking my feet and biting a nail.

About half hour later, a doctor comes out.

"Miss Jada White?" Her eyes pinned to a clip board in her hand.

"Yes." I stand quickly from my seat.

"Come with me." She motions me with her fingers and I follow, my heartbeat quickening it's pace.

I get in an office then she instructs me to take a seat. I sit across from her desk. Anxiety peeling away at my interior.

"Miss White, my name is Dr. Wilson, I believe we met over the phone." She wears small thin glasses, probably just for reading. Most likely middle aged or younger but she's quite a beauty.

"Oh, yeah."

"So Miss White, I'm so sorry to say.. but you weren't a match. Paige and your father doesn't share the same blood type either. Her perfect match would've been with your mother Charlotte, but Paige insists that she doesn't want to put any of her family through that and she's hell bent that she won't take no for an answer." She explains.

"What exactly is wrong with her kidney?"

"She has a renal kidney failure. That's what her dialysis is for the last two weeks?" She replies hesitantly, pressing her lips in an apologetic line.

My lip twitches as I hold my heart in search of my following words. So Paige has been on dialysis for two weeks now? The fact that she basically found out recently doesn't make me feel any better about them hiding it from me. I take a deep breath in and exhale to relax. "So she's just going to take a kidney from a stranger? That's what she prefers?" The entire idea alone seems absurd to me.

"Her donor actually isn't a stranger you know, that's why she got a kidney so fast. Apparently Paige met the girl during dialysis and both of them became close. I guess her dying wish was to make Paige live. Paige prefers it that way. It's her decision, it makes sense to me and it's the only way."

"What's her blood type?" I couldn't resist the sudden burning curiosity, that's the only question that surfaced in my mind out of the entire scenario.

She taps her fingers on her desk and swallows.. "Paige is a type A positive. Her mother's blood type is a A positive as well.. and your father is a B positive."

"And what am I?" I want to know.

She looks at me with an unreadable expression, then removing her glasses. It's like she wants to say something but is afraid of what my reaction would be.

"You're.. you're a type O negative." She finally says. "That is rare.."


"But.. but that's impossible. If my parents are A and B, then I should be a A, B or AB.. or something.. unless I'm.." I pause in my words, unsure of the emotion that just flashed through me.

I glance back up at the doctor's face, searching her eyes for the answer but she stares back at me with an unreadable gaze in her eyes. She's been in positions like this before. She handles herself well.

"I don't understand. Could you run the test again?" Maybe this is just some type of sick joke?

"Miss White. I've been a doctor for 23 years, I've never made a mistake with any type of blood work. I'm %100 sure that you're a type O negative. Now, I'm not sure what your parents told you but I'm starting to get the impression from you that you might need to have a talk with them, as certain information is not my place to share. My hands are tied."

"No!" I exclaim immediately. "Something's not right. What are you saying?" horror and denial evident in my voice.

"I'm saying that you should go home and relax. Have a talk with your parents." She says in sincerity.

By her expression, she's trying to tell me something but doesn't want it to entirely come from her.

I bolt up from my seat and exit quickly. She called out to me but I have to leave and get away as quickly as I can, I ignore her. I need some time to think. I do a lot of reading and type A/B parents can't have a type O child. That's impossible.

Unless.. unless I'm not their child..


Wow.. just wow!

Wait, what?

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And I hope you guys are doing okay, lost of love from me to you all!

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