Chapter 18 - Fallen Tears

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I stood there staring at the country in front of me. I could feel my face start to heat up with embarrassment. "Wait... then what..."

"Where on Earth did you get such such a outworldly thought?" Japan asked fixing his glasses which I noticed had tear stains on them.

I was at a loss for words. "But... you... the note..."

"What note?" Japan asked suddenly really nervous. I gulped realizing what I had just said. I had basically just confessed to my crime.

"I... I was on the 69th floor and was passing by some doors when I saw a piece of paper sticking out from underneath. Curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up wondering if someone had dropped it. I'm sorry Japan, I had no idea it was personal..."

Japan was silent for a moment and then sighed. "Well... I guess I should have hidden it better... but I could have sworn I slide it all the way through the door..." He said the last sentence under his breath. I pretended not to hear.

"But... are you alright? You seemed... scared." I said.

"Uh... well... I guess now that you've read it you won't leave me alone, huh?" I nodded as a response.

"Well then, let's go for a walk."

We started to walk side by side in the park. It was really serene. There were many different trees of all shapes, sizes, and types. The footpaths were laid with bushes of flowers and other colorful plants. We passed a lake with an amazing water fountain in the middle. All in all, it was wonderful.

"So... you're the reason I know what countryhumans are?" I started slowly realizing that Japan wasn't speaking.

"Huh? Oh. OH yeah." He snapped out of his thoughts. "Well... it's kind of a long story and a little bit of an embarrassment..."

"Japan it can't be worse than what I just did." I said as a matter of fact. He smiled and continued. "A while back... I sort of had... had a knack for writing these... stories. About the other countries."

I immediately knew where this was going.

"I would write about different scenarios and different experiences I had with them. They each already had such differing personalities. It was hard not to use them as characters."

I gasped. "You wrote fanfic about the country's here?!"

Japan flailed his arms in my face trying to hush me. "Not so loud! I don't want anyone to know. Please!"

I gave him one of my best shit-eating grins. Sighing once again, he continued.

"One day, I was on Earth doing a normal check on my population. I don't know what I was thinking that day, I might have brought my... book by accident. But when I came back home, I realized I had lost it. I had left my... um journal."

"Fanfiction." I corrected.

"Journal," He glared, "back on Earth. And when I was eventually able to go back and look for it, it was already gone. Of course, I did the only thing I could. I checked online and low and behold. A Rusame fanfic."


I got whacked in the back of my head.

"As I was saying, I found more... 'notes' about my work online. Luckily, it wasn't too popular then and I tried not to worry. But I kept an eye on it. Slowly, the idea caught on and grew until there was an entire fanbase." He shuddered.

"Some of the stuff I read... oh gosh... why am I always so girly..." He shuddered again causing me to chuckle.

"But... how does all this connect to me?" I asked.

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