Chapter 8 - Spasm

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The next morning greeted me with the sweet smell of tea. Taking my time getting out of bed, still tired from last night's adventure, I put on some fresh clothes and headed to the kitchen. I now knew exactly where it was.

As I walked in, I saw Britain on the table reading a newspaper with a cup of tea in front of him. I was never much of a tea or coffee person but did enjoy them occasionally.

"Bonjour (Y/N)! Come sit down!" France explained from the kitchen noticing my arrival. Nodding, I sat down at the table across from Britain.

Unsure of what to say, I started fidgeting with my hands sneaking glances at Britain. I couldn't make out his face as it was covered up by the newspaper but I could tell he was deliberately avoiding looking at me.

"Here you are mon amie!" France walked up to me setting a freshly baked croissant down in front of me along with a cup of tea. I quickly thanked her and dove it. It was probably the best pastry I had ever had.

"So... uh... what am I doing today?" I asked through a bite. I saw the newspaper's sides start to crease as Britain tightened his grip.

"Well as much as I would love to spend time with you, I'm quite busy today. So you'll be accompanying UK with his work today. I hope that's alright with you." France said giving me a sympathetic look. I gulped sending back a sheepish smile. I was more worried if it was "alright" with Britain.

"Well look at the time! I need to leave mon amour!" France said walking over to Britain. Britain put down his paper and turned towards France.

"Blimey? Already?" He asked a hint of playfulness in his voice.

France giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"Oui mon cher. Essayer d'être bon avec notre ami pendant mon absence?" France said smiling at him. Britain grumbled and responded back in French causing France to laugh. With that, Britain quickled pecked her a kiss on her cheek and France was gone.

I watched sipping my tea as Britain got up from the table, straightened his collar and put away his now empty cup of tea. I must have been staring cause Britain shot me a look.

"What?" He asked.

"N...nothing!" I said looking away and suddenly focussing on my drink. The tea was sweet but not too sweet and had a tang of what I believed to be ginger. It was quite nice.

Britain watched me curiously as I finished off the remaining tea. I put down the glass and slowly stood up taking my dishes to the sink.

I kept my head down as I brushed past Britain on my way to the sink. The air was tense around us and I didn't know what to do.

"Ahem. (Y/N), I have a couple of business matters to attend with a few other countries today. As much as it irks me to say this, I am responsible for you and so can't leave you alone at my home. So you'll be accompanying me."

I perked up. Other countries? That was good to hear. I wouldn't have to spend the entire day with just him after all.

"Y... Yes sir." I said quickly. I couldn't read the look on Britain's face but it was enough to understand that he wasn't hating on me at the moment. I could live with that.

"I'm glad you understand. Now, be ready to leave in about 10 minutes. I don't live far from the parliament building and usually walk to get there so we'll be going on foot. I'll see you outside in a bit."

With that final statement, Britain exited the room leaving me to myself. Not knowing what to do, I stayed in the room stalling for the next 10 minutes just looking around.

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