Chapter 3 - A Warm Welcome

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"So they're awake huh?" A voice called. I turned to the side to see a country in a suit glaring daggers in my direction. He wore a top hat and a golden monocle. I didn't need to see his flag to identify him as none other than Britain.

    "Um... hello." I said softly holding up my hand and giving a little wave.

    "Hello he says." Britain said shaking his head. He crossed his arms in frustration.

    "Britain please, look at him. He's just a kid." The country next to him put a hand on Brit's shoulder.

    "No France, that's what you said last time. Just a kid eh? Well that kid almost destroyed half of Europe and brought back that damned communist!" Britain hollered.

    Almost immediately, the room interrupted in voices. I watched terrified as Russia stuck a finger in Britain's direction no doubt threatening him. I turned to Poland and got a pitiful glance.

    "Well what if he's different than them huh?" Someone said from the crowd.

    "And what if they're not?" Another country called out. I looked around to see America and Canada standing in the corner barely speaking with their heads down. Britain and Russia had gotten into a verbal fight across the room and were spitting insults at each other and an occasional one at me.

    The tension in the room was getting on my nerves. I felt the world slow down. The beat of my heart and rhythm of my breathing began to block out the noise. I counted to 10 closing my eyes.

    "Everyone SHUT UP!" I suddenly screamed. The room went quiet. I now had the stage.

    "First of all I would like to thank EVERYONE for the very warm welcome. Except you Poland, you're a nice guy," I added before continuing, "I don't know if you guys know this or not but I would VERY MUCH like to go home. I really don't know how I ended up here. Or why I was able to see America and Canada while no one could. You guys were just stories I read about when I was like 12. So I'm a little lost about what the heck is going on. Oh yeah, one more thing, if you're gonna talk shit about me, please do it when I'm not in the room? Thanks. I'll be leaving now."

    With that, I turned and stormed out the door on the other side of the room. I was glad that the countries in front of me moved out of the way and didn't attempt to stop me. I stepped out the door to be greeted by the sun.

    Suddenly I stopped realizing I had no idea where I was. I looked around to notice a mostly urban street with towering buildings scattered around. Surprisingly, the street was quiet with not a single car passing by. I looked up at the building and suddenly noticed something off about the sky.

    There were two suns. Two suns? That was strange. The weather here was surprisingly cool for a clear sky.

    Sighing I sat down on the staircase leading out from the building. I didn't know what to do. It was obvious that the best thing to do was go back inside and apologize for my outburst.

    I put my head in my hands looking around. Behind me, I heard the door open, leaking the continuous arguments that were still going on inside. I felt a figure walk up and sit down next to me.

    "You okay kid?" A voice asked. I turned my head to the side to come face to face with a pair of sunglasses.

    "Yeah I'm fine. America right?" I asked.

    The country smirked, "and you are?"

    "(Y/N)" I said.

    "Pleased to meet you (Y/N)" he said sticking out a hand.

    I smiled shaking his hand. I took a minute to look at him. The fics even got America right. The shades, the Nato shirt, his gleaming smile. And he definitely seemed more gregarious than the other countries. I wondered if somehow the stories affected the way the countries here portrayed themselves.

    "What are you thinking about?" America asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

    "Oh... nothing." I said looking away.

    "You know, you handled my dad pretty well back their. You're a rebel like me. I like that." America said grinning. I laughed.

    "Well I learned from the best." I said winking at him. America chuckled his face a little red from the compliment.

"So... countryhumans actually exist huh." I said looking at the building in the distance. 

America gave me a confused look. "What do you mean 'actually exist'?"

I turned back to him a little surprised. "You don't know about the countryhuman fandom?"

"We have a fandom?" He squeaked looking slightly nervous.

"Yeah you guys do! You're a pretty popular character. You and Russia that is." I leaned in and added whispering. "Mostly together if you know what I mean."

America jumped up horrified. "Me and R.. Russia?! Who thought up something so disgusting?" I laughed realizing that America and Russia might not be friends in reality. I laughed harder seeing his slightly redder face.

"Well I'm not lying. I'm surprised none of you know about this. It's pretty popular." I said standing up with him.

America opened his mouth to respond when the door behind us opened. We turned around to see Canada poke his head out.

"Hey guys. You should probably come back inside. Germany has some news..." he said trailing off.

Me and America exchanged looks and hesitantly followed the canadian back inside.

Inside the building, the situation had calmed down. All the countries attention was turned towards a familiar country who was speaking to them frantically.

He adjusted his glasses seeing me and America approach.

"Germany what's going on." America asked.

"Ahem well... I have both good news and bad news. The good news is that all the rifts on the radar have been mysteriously cleared. They're all gone." Germany said adjusting his tie.

"That's great news! Why is everyone looking so down?" America said looking around at everyone's now anxious faces.

"Well... the bad news is that... none of them are opening either. So that means our human friend is stuck in this world along with all of us." Germany finished glancing in my direction.

Wait... I'm stuck here?


Hey guys! Once again thanks for reading! I can't believe I have 13 views already! That makes me so gosh darn happy! Like I'll check this story after a long day and see like 1 more view and Idk it just makes me so happy. Anyway See you in the next chapter!

~ Dorito

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